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Ogu Leadership Tussle, HRM- Loko IX Vindicated

NICOLASThe existing cold relationship between HRM, King Nicolas Dixon Ibiebele Nimenibo- Loko IX, defacto Amanyanabo of Ogu and Chief E. Ibiorika Kalaowi/Perefi, led Ogu Divisional Council of Chiefs (ODCC) have been laid to rest. The senior clergymen of Ogu waded into the impasse last Friday 31st May, 2013 in order to bring lasting peace and understanding between the throne and the chief’s council.

The peace meeting was presided over by Ven. (Dr.) B. A. Obuoforibo JP, Ven. G.T Orabere, Rev. Evang. A Imbu and Rev. Can I. T. Davids, the peace meeting also witnessed a cream of representatives from the Rivers Ministry of Chieftaincy and Community Affairs, Security Agencies, the SSS and the D.P.O of Ogu/Bolo.

Other witnesses in attendance were Elder Samuel Gborikabo led elder’s forum, the community Development Committee (CDC), the Youth Congress, the Vice Chairman of Council Chief J,I. Igio, Chief S .M.K. Taribo Amgbara, Chief J.R. Amakiri, Chief C.I. Kienka, and Women.

The Amanyanabo of  Ogu, HRM King N.D.I. Nimenibo – Loko IX, was present at the peace meeting. On the side of the Chiefs were Chief Dagogo Onumodu Abaji, Chief Sotonye Alli,  Chief B.F. Pikibo, Chief Justice Kienka, Chief J.W. Atemie Loko, Chief Arnangi Tende, Chief D.T. Davids-Chiri and Alabo S.A.W. Ibisiki-Mgbeka.

The Clergymen having carefully examined the facts and authenticity of the claims, submissions, reports and witnesses resolved the imbroglio using the Holy Scripture as follows: “Thou shall not speak evil of the ruler of the people” Acts 23:5b, Exo. 2:28.

The Amanyanabo is the traditional head of the people and so Number One citizen of Ogu. He is a sacred person to whom all citizens give unalloyed support and respect. He remains the traditional head of the people. Accordingly, his fiat is necessary for important and note-worthy appointments in the Community. The fiat is also required for enactment of customary laws and exercises executive powers in traditional administration. The

Amanyanabo is looked upon as owner of the land, fountain of justice and the maypole around which the “web of traditional administration” is woven. Every one including Chiefs owe allegiance to him.

Status of the Amanyanabo – In traditional society of the Okrika ethnic nationality, is the apogee of the Chieftaincy institution and is highly respected. When once a royal incumbent is publicly shown to the people, he is de facto Amanyanabo. This accounts for why when Council of Chiefs installs a new Chief; the latter is escorted to the de facto Amanyanabo for introduction by the Council of Chiefs. HRM King Nimenibo Loko IX, the Amanyanabo-Elect is de facto Amanyanabo of theCommunity. He only awaits Government recognition on dejure status.

The Amanyanabo-Elect has been so chosen by God and we have affirmed his presentation by accepting him to be our King. Though not yet given Staff of Office by Rivers State Government, he should be respected by all Chiefs and citizens of Ogu. So that all Chiefs will equally be respected by their subjects and members of Ogu Community. The Council of Chiefs exists. Its main function is the management of the affairs of the people, particularly in areas.

maintenance of law and order, settlement of disputes in land and probate matters, treatment of issues relating to marriage and inheritance, handling of Chieftaincy affairs and customary matters generally. It is more or less an agent of the Amanyanabo, whose decisions are binding on all subjects. Such accounts for why the Council of Chiefs decisions must necessarily receive royal accent.

The Ogu Divisional Council of Chiefs is not higher in office than the office of the Amanyanabo of Ogu. He occupies a very special position therefore should be properly addressed either in writing or speech. Any careless approach to the office of Amanyanabo may denigrate the sanctity and dignity attached to the office.

The witnesses of the Chiefs affirmed that the Amanyanabo-Elect was neither a contractor nor a worker for the palace building project. He rather plays competent supervision, they said.

That there was no time; the Amanyanabo-Elect took any percentage for his personal use. When Intel was not sending money the Amanyanabo-Elect used his personal money for the work without being refunded.

Any decision, resolution, and policy to be enacted or implemented must necessarily get the blessing of the Royal father and must be fully supported by him, else such may not have any legal backing with which to function. The traditional Land tenureship should not be tampered with by the Council of Chiefs without due process.

Therefore all lands owned by individual Houses in Ogu should be allowed as they have been. The original status quo by which House Chiefs headed the family lands should be respected except newly reclaimed lands yet to be allocated to Houses, can be used by the community. If there is need for any portion of land to be used by the community, let it be done amicably in consultation with the House and possible compensation given to assuage unnecessary depravity of such Houses. The Chiefs’ Council claiming all lands in Ogu is wrong and could be a signal to depriving the poor people from being allocated land for their personal development.

Chiefs or groups who secretly sell lands that is meant for the entire community or Houses should be properly investigated and such persons be disciplined especially the Owuogono landscaping where the Amanyanabo and Ogu citizens are kept in the dark. A Chief of Ogu is carrying out the project.

The release of the Palace keys to the Council of Chiefs is a signal and an indication of vote of no confidence in a polite manner. Since he is the de facto King let us allow him to be the custodian of the keys.

Account of expenditure should rightly be presented to the donor-company-INTEL- who release the funds for the erection of the Royal Palace and not the Chiefs’ Council of Ogu. This is in conformity with the maxim, “He who pays the piper dictates the tune.” Naturally and by financial regulations, if the King did not retire funds given him, the INTELS wouldn’t have continued to finance the Royal Palace project. There is personality clash between HRM and Chiefs Council Chairman Ibiorika. This is unfortunate.

meanwhile the Clergymen had advice the Amanyanabo to continue to be fatherly.

“There is disunity among the Chiefs and its significant in the petition for and against you. You are the father of all. Accept all and ensure that you carry every Chief along. The Chiefs are your able assistants to the throne and must be carried along in effective administration of the community. They may not be by-passed to the Women, Youth, CDC or any other representative. If there is misunderstanding, be patient to resolve it”.

“The Loko Royal House produces the Royal father for the community. For any court case against him, the community must be behind him because you are in a personal position. As father of all, do not intimidate, or over react to petitions. Indeed, uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”, clergies told the king.

We encourage the Amanyanabo-Elect and others in authority not to be deceived to give bribe or money meant for the development of Ogu community for personal use. It is ingratitude and disservice to Ogu community.

The Palace which is the source of all the problems is not community Palace but built for Royal father and such should be called Royal Palace, the clergy noted.

The Clergymen concluded that HRM and Chiefs Council especially the chairman, should be guided with the armour of God to have the unity and peace of our dear foremost in their heart at all times, remembering that Ogu Community went into covenant relationship with the Almighty God on Oct, 23, 2004 in His presence in the mother Church of the land (St. Martin’s Ang. Church). The covenant that enthroned peace and unity in Ogu, a covenant promising disaster for whoever violates it. Do not allow the anger of God to fall on any of you. Our God is a consuming fire who is no respecter of persons. Be warned. They advised.###

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