
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism


As earlier accounted, both religious traditions of Yahudaism and Yahosheanism were intertwined within the first half of the first century Ad. Both were viewed by other nations as one complex religious family.

This was the view of Daniel Boyarin as he summerised it as – “For at least the first three centuries of their common lives, Judaism in all of its forms and Christianity in all of its forms were part of one complex religious family, twins in the womb, contending with each other for identity and precedence, but sharing with each other the same spiritual food”.

What Bayarin summarized there was that Yahudaism and Yahosheanism were viewed as same religious tradition by peoples of other religious traditions.

Though it has been viewed that the separation of both movements was a gradual process but cannot be seen an event. There were numerous activities that brought about the severance of both religious traditions.

Truly, Yahosheanism was an offshoot of Yahudaism but both traditions   possessed distinct views over some of the central doctrines of the original Hebrew religion.

The true “Hebrew religion” was practiced by true prophets such as Moses, Eliyah, Yerimiah etc. The Yahudean religion took over from the Hebrew traditional religion when ten tribe of Hebrew nation separated from the tribes of Yahuda and Benyamin.

On inception, the Yahudean religious tradition kept with real faith as instituted by the patriarchs of the Hebrew religion. This was short lived owing to various deviations of the sect and attendant invasions, captivities and colonialism from the pagan nations that followed the disobedience.

As captives, the people of Yahuda had their religious traditions corrupted and with passage of time, Yahudaism began to evolve many distinct sects with divergent views. These gave rise to Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots and Essenes. This happened during the second Temple Yahudaism and under Roman colonialism. This was the exact era that Yahoshea Meshiyach was born and founded Yahosheanism.

So, the main reason of Yahoshea’s ministry is to restore the Yahudaism into its original Hebrew religious tradition. This was to be achieved by removal of those doctrines and creeds that were planted into Yahudaism by the scribes, High priests, Sadducees and Pharisees.

A restored Yahudean religion will take the shape of the era of Prophet Moses who heard directly from Yahweh, so the split of Yahudaism and Yahosheanism started by the act of some opposing doctrines amongst both folds.

Some of the added doctrines of the Second Temple Yahudaism are henceforth identified as the “Jewish superstitions” by the Christian theology. The real term was the “Yahudean superstitious” and such were main targets of Yahoshea’s attack on the Yahudaism as was led by the chief priests, Pharasees, Sadducees etc.

The chief of the Yahudean superstition was its attitude towards the “covenanted name of the creator -Yahweh”. The Yahudean superstitious leaders held that the name Yahweh was too sacred to be used publicly therefore resorted to its hidding and replacement with other non covenanted names as Elohim and Adonia.

The superstitious leaders based their negative concept on the second law of the “Ten Commandments” that stipulate that the name of Yahweh must not be called in vein. To Yahudean superstitioners, avoiding public use or pronunciation of the holy name – Yahweh was a sure means of keeping the second law.

This superstition was rejected by Yahoseha Meshiyach and his followers who held that the sacred name – Yahweh must be used in daily affairs of the people. Yahoshea indicated that “He came in his father’s name”. his father’s name was “Yahweh” and his name “Hoshea” which combined to “Yahoshea”.

Yahoshea Meshiyach often prayed publicly with the sacred name and covered his disciples with the name. As Yahosheans proclaimed that name openly, they were in opposition to other mainline Yahudaists who prefer hiding of the name.

The next difference between both movements was based on the Meshiyachship of Yahoshea. The Hebrew Meshiyach though was an age long promise to the tribe of Yahuda but was awakened during the 2nd and 1st centuries before Yahoshea Meshiyach. During these period, there was an apocalyptic literature that promised of a “future Meshiyach” or “Anointed one” to resurrect the “Kingdom of Yahweh” in the tribe of Yahuda in place of the foreign rulers of the age.

The anticipation of the “Meshiyach” correspond with the “Maccabearl Revolt” that fought against the Seleucids. This prompted the establishment of the “Hasmonean Dynasty” and after its fall, the Roman administration of the Yahudean province took over reign of the tribe.

The anticipation for independent Yahudean state led to the formation of the “Zealots” during the “census of Quirinius” of 6Ad. As Yahoshea found his movement and claimed of being the “promised Meshiyach”, the Yahudeans thought that he will raise soldiers as done by Prophet Moses to release the tribe from the claws of Roman Colonialism.

The failure of Yahoshea Meshiyach to establish an independent Hebrew nation and his death at the hand of Roman authority caused many Yahudeans to reject his claim of Meshiyachship and this made majority of the people of Yahuda to continue with their attachment to Pharisee rabbis who addressed Yahosheanism as idolatry and rebellion.

Another point of doctrinal difference of both movements include the “belief of existence of devil”. Both movement had opposing views over the existence of satan. Truly, the Hebrew traditional religion that based on Mosaic ministry did not regard the “thought of the existence of satan”.

The Yahudeans first learnt about the existence of satan during their captivity at Persia in the third centuries before Yahoshea Meshiyach. Prior to the Persian captivity, the Yahudeans do not believe in the existence of the negative personage of divinity rather they believed on the “thoughts of evil” and “thoughts



Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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