
Is He Yahoshea Meshiyach Or Yahshua Messiah?

And the priest of Zeus came to them with garlands in order to offer sacrifice to them which they rejected because according to them they are mere men like them.

Many scholars or Theologers are in accordance with the discovery that JESUS is driven from ZEUS or IHSOUS of Greek. A brochure by JEHOVAH WITHESS with a name called “THE DIVINE NAME THAT WILL ENDURE FOREVER” page 6 bears it in the way “To take the most prominent example, consider the name of Jesus, Do you know how Jesus’ family and friends addressed him in day to day conversation while he was growing up in Nazareth? The truth is, no human knows for certain, although it may have been something like Yeshua (or perhaps Yehoshua) it certainly was not Jesus.

However when the accounts of his life were written in Greek language, the inspired writers did not try to preserve the original Hebrew Pronunciation. Rather they rendered the name in Greek – Iesous. Today it is rendered differently according to the language of the readers of the Bible”.

But has the translators the authority to supplant the revealed name of our saviour into the names of their interest?

Likewise the term “CHRIST” is of Greek Origin. It is driven from Greek deity called CHRISTOS and it was used by the translators to replace the term MESHIYACH which means ANNOINTED ONE in HEBREW language.

Replacement or supplanting of the divinely revealed names with Jehovah and Jesus were solely carried out by translators who were responding to their humanly pressures. And many translators confirms such errors or blunder in the footnotes of their translated works.

After the death of Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples, there was a great falling away as they foretold, many pagan philosophers of Greek descents infiltrated into the sect and the original and truthful doctrines lost were tampered.

And that is the cause of the loss of holy names (Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach) many Greek names or deities were used to replace the original Hebrew forms.

When the cat is away, the great rat will play. There is a great controversy between the popular beliefs versus the proven truths. The populous flocks will be consistent only when it is in agreement with the truth, beside that it becomes inconsistent. Falsehood flourishes like the cedar of Lebanon planted by the riverside because the mortals of the universe are vulnerable to delusions and pervations.

Although the name JESUS CHRIST is the most populous name for the man of Calvary as accounted in the Bible – the most widely circulated holy scripture in the universe but the reality is that the MAN THAT DIED AT CALVARY WAS NOT JESUS CHRIST.

According to the book known as “INSIGHT ON THE SCRIPTURES” volume 2, page 51 reads as follows about the name JESUS CHRIST – “Latin form of Greek Iesous which corresponds to the Hebrew Yeshua or Yahoshea and means Jehovah is salvation” CHRIST is from the Greek Khristos, the Hebrew equivalent of Meshiyach (MESSIAH) and means “ANNOINTED ONE”.

Again, let us look into the website or internet dictionary of the name JESUS CHRIST drawn from Microsoft (R) Encarta (R) 2006 and it bears as follows: The name JESUS is deriven from a Greek rendering of the Hebrew name Joshua or in full Yehoshuah (“Jehovah is deliverance”). The title CHRIST is derived from the Greek Christos, a translation of the Hebrew, MASHIAK (“ANNOINTED ONE”) OR MESSIAH.

Various Christian Encyclopedia agree with that definitions that the Name JESUS CHRIST is of Greek origin while the Hebrew form is YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH. Therefore the one billion dollar question is, are names translative? What are the Greek equivalent of names of Nigerian leaders like Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo and Tafawa Balewa. If this great politicians of our country are known by such names by all tribes and tongues in Nigeria and beyond, how can a saviour have a Hebrew name with equivalents in Greek and Latin or English. What is the Greek and Latin Equivalent of name of Musa Yar-Adua? Have you now seen that the so-called Greek and Italian equivalents are open expression of corruption of the original saving name YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH.

A saving name must practically stand undiluted because it bears in it the spiritual efficacy to save those who will call on the name in their time of trouble for sake of deliverance.

But who are to be held responsible for such deadly blunder of removing the only and holy saviours name from the scripture that he is the testator. The translators, the false pen of the scribes is the cause of such deception. Early translator like Jerome of Italy rendered it into “Dominus”. Oregen of Greek rendered it into “Iesous” and many other translators followed the standards of these two early translators, presently the Spanish Bible readers encounter Jesus and pronounces it as Hes-soos, the Italian spells it as Gesu and pronounces it as Djay-zoo and the Germans spells it as Jesus and pronounces it as Yay-soos.

Have we the right to spell and pronounce it as we prefer? The answer is simply no, because it is a revealed SAVING name, which needs no adulteration. Some may feel that when they address him as the “MEDIATOR” or “TEACHER” that they have reached him, but the truth is that such decorations are mere titles and he certainly has a personal name which he used while he was on earth and that name was YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH.

It was that name that the ancient prophets who prophesied of his coming revealed to men of their days, it was the same name that was revealed to his earthly parents, it is the same name that he bore while on earth and it is still the same name that he taught his disciples who stood firm to defend that name even when he was no more physically with them or earth. And his disciples were known by his name as a flock.

The name Iesous was Latinized into what is presently JESUS although pronounced as “JEZEUS”. A base survey will prove that the name JESUS was never used by the saviour or his disciples because as Hebrews, there is no “J” letter in Hebrew Alphabets. Therefore the name Jesus emerged in 16th century with that of JEHOVAH which was assemble by a translator known as Petros Galatanus (a French confessor).


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260


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