Soul Mate

10 Things You Don’t Know About Kissing

Do you know where XOXO came from? Or why you get so turned on from a kiss? Read on to find the answers.
1. There are tons of nerve endings…
…in your lips (100 times more than in your fingertips!) that stimulate desire. That’s why smooching before, during, and after sex can be extremely arousing and satisfying.
Source: Krista Bloom, PhD, author of The Ultimate Compatibility Quiz

2. Forty percent of men say that…
…a really long, steamy kiss will get them immediately ready for sex. (Thirty percent said that grabbing their crotch will do it. Duh.)
Source: Cosmo Poll, April 2009

3. Pay attention to those “See ya later” pecks. If your guy…
…routinely only gives you a quick kiss on the cheek when saying good-bye, it could be that he’s guarded and doesn’t emote easily. If this is a more recent development, it’s a warning sign; he may be feeling ambivalent about the relationship.
Source: Body language expert Tony Reiman

4. Instantly turn up the kissing intimacy by…
…closing the “A-frame”: a smooching stance in which you and your guy are in the middle of a smooch but your hips are a mile apart. By pressing your hips together, the degree of desire quickly rises.
Source: William Cane, kissing coach and author of The Art of Kissing

5. The best way to kiss a guy’s ear? Kiss and…
…suck on his earlobe for a moment and then trace the outline of his ear with the tip of your tongue. (Bonus points if you whisper something naughty to him.)
Source: Ava Cadell, PhD
We’ve got big news….

6. Men initiate open-mouth kissing to transfer…
…libido-boosting testosterone to their partner. So when he’s getting a little more aggressive, it’s not just about his desire he wants you to be a bit more amorous too.
Source: Study by the University at Albany

7. Men are more than twice as likely…
…to have sex with a bad kisser than are women.
Source:, “What Men and Women Want in a Kiss

8. When coy kisses aren’t going to cut it…
…here’s why you should let loose: Passionate kisses elevate your blood pressure and cause your heart to beat faster, getting you more excited, and making it easier for you to reach orgasm.
Source: Ava Cadell, PhD

9. Fifty-four percent of women…
…between the ages of 18 and 24 say they’ve kissed another girl. That number drops to 43 percent for those between 25 and 34.
Source: Cosmo Poll, December 2008

10. During the Middle Ages, people signed legal contracts…
…by making an “X” on the document and then kissing it to pledge their honor. That’s how XX became shorthand for a smooch.
Source: Kissing: The Complete Guide by Tamar Schreibma

8 Words that Most Liars Use

Liar, liar. Pants on fire.Odds are, you and your guy have a great relationship, and the only lies he tells are little fibs. But it’s good to know how to spot the signs he could be telling a whopper. Lie detection expert Janine Driver, author of the new book, You Can’t Lie to Me, fills us in on the words that give away a liar.

By Korin Miller
Sure, sometimes ‘left’ is the only word you can use in a situation, but there’s some kind of drama involved when he uses it in place of another word that will do (think: “I left the bar at six” vs. “I went home at six”). It could be due to his desire to “leave” the lie behind.

The big thing to look out for is when he says “never” when “no” will do. It’s a sign he’s overcompensating. For example, if you ask, “Did you just look at that girl’s butt?” and he says, “Never!”

Like never, it depends on how he uses it. If he puts “that” in front of a noun, like “that woman” or “that money,” it’s a subconscious attempt for him to distance himself from the word. This is a common trick of manipulators.

Related: 10 Signs He Wants to Marry You
If he skips “no” and goes straight to “I would never do something like that!” when talking about a past event, be wary. For example, “Are you still talking to your ex?” “I would never do that to you!” “Would never” suggests that he plans to do it in the future.

“Yes, ma’am”
If your guy is a Southern gentleman, then this doesn’t apply. But if he suddenly says “ma’am” to you out of nowhere, be cautious. It’s a sign that he feels like he’s feeling stressed and knows he’s in trouble.
“By the way…”
Liars use phrases like this to try to minimize what they say next-but usually it’s what’s most important to the story. Pay extra attention to what he says afterward.

Liars usually try to downplay what they say with this word, so pay attention when he says something like, “I know this is going to sound strange, but…” or “I know you think I’m lying, but…”

“Why would I do that?”
It’s a favorite stalling line of liars, so they can buy a little time to work out what to say next. These phrases also fit the bill: “What kind of person do you think I am?”, “Are you calling me a liar?”, and “I knew this was going to happen to me!”

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