Soul Mate


When to have sex in courtship
Dear loving esteemed readers of Soul Mate, I am so glad that many young men are getting married to reduce the population of numerous unmarried women.
Yes why I am talking about men in this regard, the answer is men are the species that will move the notion first and followed the next stage with whoever that want to support the union of the lady and man in question for that everlasting Contract.
Know this however, ………. The womenfolk will be it is counted that the man just has to present himself formerly to the woman for the marital deal, in some case the woman make her intention known to the man and encourage him, stating she will finance the whole thing. The only condition is the man will have to make himself available to the parents of the lady in question, in other words, wooing the lady officially in our today traditional setting.
The topic of this edition is “When to have sex in courtship” remember courtship is that special period both intending partners have for themselves to experiment every aspect of the everlasting blissful prison called marriage. Within this period you break your decision either to say yes I do or not base on your conclusion of the partner in your picture.
The three most important factors expected of any sound marital relationship says that, the marriage must have sincerity, faithfulness most silent and powerful of them all are sex and fianceé, added with fear of Yahweh.
It is not advisable to go into love making with the first three to six months, reasons being that he or she may pretend to capture your mind within this period. Within this period both of you examine and check out what is your intention. Your emotions never could be hidden forever.
The big question one need to be battling to have answer is, what is his or her intention, how was his emotional feeling about me genuine? Does the man or woman mean well? If you could restrict yourself in the area of loving making no matter how handsome, or financial rewarding in, he might be you in the relationship. Please this factor is the most tempting and important factor. This factor determine the man true intention know this please men can do anything to lure a lady of their fantasy into bed as much as possible with all attractive material inducement.
If the man is pushing forward in having sex with you within this three to six months without you clearly knowing his basic intention, please do not oblige him. But if you do you, will forever regret the moment.
Therefore ladies the best time to open your honey pot for any man is when you yourself is convince that he has good intention for you without pressing for sex within these three to six months, then you could also test him whether he is a real man in bed or not.
But check out how honest he his to your affairs, how tender and caring, how he treats you with Yahweh fearing attitude. How he takes your interests genuinely into consideration in your disagreeing moments will tell you who he is in real life.

You always use Yahweh in place of God why

Dear Editor, I am texting from Port Harcourt, in your entire piece you been using in Yahweh in place of God Why?
Ans: Well, my sister Jennifer I am only doing what is right. Read your bible and have the answer yourself. Yahweh was the name the Grand creator called himself and ordered man to worship and call Him that name in prayers, most especially when we are in difficulties. In other words, it is a sacred name. Read Revised Standard Version. “The Bible” prefaces five. The name Elohim means God, Adonai means lord to replace the name of Yahweh because it too holy. Please see me privately so we can go into detail through the Bible.

Star Services
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Aries most favourable day is Tuesday while June and July are Aries most favourable months.
Conspicuous characteristics of the Aries person

Days of Birth Conspicuous characteristics
Monday High opinion of oneself and arrogant
Tuesday Contempt for obstacles and perils
Wednesday Noble and generous
Thursday Diplomatic and commanding
Friday Quick and versatile mind
Saturday Love of pleasure
Sunday High level of intelligence

Herbal service
Malaria treatment
Take 5 lime peel and cut five fingers of garlic peeled and put into a pot or kettle, add two cups water of stainless cup, add four lipton after boil allow it to boil for five minutes, bring it down and take half cup of stainless cup morning and evening.
Note in less than 48 hours you will have a good story to tell without side affect. ####

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