
The Road To America! (3)

As soon as the seminar was ended, my family and I decided to do some shopping before relocating from the Minneapolis City to the suburb of Chanhassen.
Chanhassen is a flat plain town of about forty minutes drive from the city. One could access it either by road or train but we chose to travel by road. One could not but imagine the beautiful and well paved environment as one drove through the interconnected highways. I could also see Police Patrol vehicles carefully hidden by the brush with their radar waiting to ‘nab’ over-speeding drivers. This was very different from what we had then in Nigeria where Police checkpoints dotted the whole landscape.
We arrived Chanhassen later in the evening and of course were warmly received at the Chanhassen Inn where the rooms of the hotel were as well furnished as the five star hotel that we had stayed in the city.
The trip from Chanhassen also reminded me of my journeys in one of the heavens of God where my Spiritual Guide had led me through roadsides and trees that were made of ornamentals that were as beautiful as they come. There were trees that were made of jewelries out of this world that would make the average traveler pause to spend some time.
Just as Soul can visit the heavens of God and return back to earth, so also do we have to return to Nigeria after our spiritual visit to America.
We still had two days to stay before our flight back home to Nigeria. In line with the weather prediction, it started snowing in the morning. This is usually a phenomenon for those of us living around the equator. We were used to rain, sunshine and harmathan. But here we were with 6 inches snowfall. My trip for last minute shopping for friends and family members alike was cut short by snowflakes and I had to remain indoor for a better weather before embarking on any other trip.
‘Dad what’s this?’ asked my 8 year old son
‘Snowfall’ I replied ‘You cannot find this in Nigeria’ I continued
‘When are we going back to Nigeria?’ asked my son
‘Tomorrow’ I replied wondering what he was driving at.
‘Do we have to go back?’ asked my son
‘Yes’ I replied
He had already gotten used to the American way of life, including pizza and burger and ice creams like no other. We arranged our stuff and prepared for our flight the following day by 4pm American time.
When Soul had stayed millions of years here in this lower world in HU-man bodies, It would start regarding the physical universe as Its true home. But as soon as Soul makes contact with the Living Word, the Spiritual Traveler who is capable of takings Soul into the pure heavens of God where beauty is not enough adjective to describe, Soul would not want to return to earth again.
Thus I could understand how my son felt.
We boarded our Trans-Atlantic flight to France where we were connected to our last leg to Nigeria just like the way we came. In France, we again boarded a speed train that transported us to a check-in area where we were scheduled to board our flight to Nigeria. Suddenly, the reality dawned on us that we were going back to our country for good.
We started feeling the anxiety associated with in adequacy where people rush for everything simply because they had been treated to ‘not having enough’ in critical situations. So in the hu-man state of consciousness, we rush for everything simply because of the fear that it might not go round.
The plane was packed full with black guys and ladies with dots of one ‘whitey’ here and there. The Port Harcourt ‘International Air port’ was rowdier than when we were leaving and I could see that the Custom guys were eagerly waiting to ‘pounce’ on any ‘illegal’ item being brought in into our dear country.
‘Can you open your bag sir?’ asked one of the officials
‘Sure, its not locked’ I replied curtly.
That was enough signal that I was a no nonsense customer. The officer lost interest. Within two hours we were back home for good driving through dusty streets and crowded but unattended traffic flash points.
The road to America signifies the journey of Soul trapped in the lower worlds. The only thing most religions offer is for man to suffer on earth here then die to go and enjoy in heaven. But when the time comes for the ‘man of God’ to die and go and enjoy heaven, he would cleverly say ‘it is not yet my time’. So man continues to be gullible enough to believe in that creed that says ‘Suffer now and enjoy later!’
This is the greatest fallacy of all time.
The kingdom of heaven is available to man to visit, to experience the splendor of God before death. There is only one way to get to these pure heavens of God: through the hu-man body, specifically through the spiritual eye. It cannot be accessed through fasting or prayer. The door can only be opened by the Living Word

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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