
Averting Imminent Flood Disaster This Year

The year 2012 witnessed unprecedented flooding in Nigeria. The flooding caused havoc in twenty two states and displaced millions of people. The flood mostly affected people residing in the coastal towns. Indeed, it is worthy to know that the coastal areas surrounded with brackish water were not adversely affected. The negative effects of the flood are still visible. And up till now some people whose houses were washed off are yet to get a place of abode. Indeed, the natural disaster caused great hardship on Nigerians.

Last year meteorologists had force cast about the imminent flooding in the country, especially communities around the River Niger tributaries. The effort of government to ameliorate the emergence of the flood could not yield any positive. The flood water moved through the intended water ways without stop by anyone. It is believed that natural disaster is difficult to curtail by anyone except it comes to a halt by itself. Like in the United States of America, the Southern part always suffer hurricanes and other natural disasters every year. The Asian pacific countries are not left out as they face series of diverse natural disasters, even earth quake.

Indeed, the aids to flood victims from government, corporation organizations and individuals were enormous. The National Emergency Management Agency really was able to swing into action to control the already volatile situation. Yes, make-shift camps were eventually constructed to accommodate victims who were displaced by the flood waters. The truth is that there would have been a serious epidemic at the various camps if not the intervention of medical personnel who were on ground to tackle the menace. Though, some deaths were recorded, but it was not according to initial speculations. Today, some flood victims are squatting with their neighbours especially those whose houses were built with mud.

Some states after the flood water must have receded distributed building materials, cassava stems and beddings to victims. The materials distributed by various governments, corporate organization and individuals actually aided flood victims to have a sigh of relief. As flood victims are about to forge ahead with the future, suddenly there is another forecast that this is another year of turbulent reins. It is observationally clear that this is a year of turbulent and windy rain falls. The windy rainfalls have just started three months ago in confirmation of the meteorologists forecast for year 2013. The rain falls last year were not too turbulent compare to this year. It is no longer news that rain has started. The months known to be the months of rainfalls are around the corner.

Therefore, urgent measures should be taken to avert flooding and destruction of lives and properties. Control measures should to be in place before it is too late. The dredging of the over flooding rivers should not be a thing of marathon debates as the effects are still fresh in the minds of people. It has been declared to Nigerians that this is a year of turbulent rainfall. It is very pertinent for builders of structures to build according to specifications. Now that the public has been alerted of the imminent disaster this year, all those who build structures on water ways should desist forth with to avoid flooding. Nigerians and cities dwellers to who turn drainage to refuse disposal should also desist without delay.

Thus, government officials and land speculators who sell water ways should also stop that practice that obstructs free flow of water. It is time to prepare, as there is an ample opportunity to fight flooding. It will be a disaster if nothing concrete is done to give hope. So many houses have been dilapidated, farm lands and there is water pollution that can lead to out break epidemic. The high prone areas should be given due attention to avoid the repeat of the past. The federal ministry of works and water resources should embark on dredging and sinking pipe borne water in the affected communities. The information about flooding this year should not be treated with kid gloves. This is not time for emergency or support but rather, it is time for dredging of the water ways.

The need for canals to be constructed to ease free flow of water to major rivers should be taken into serious consideration. There is need for establishment intervention fund for flood control in Nigeria, especially states that suffered last year. It will be an act of wickedness if nothing is done to stop flooding this year in the country. Indeed, political will should be exercised to implement any policy that should help to avert flooding in Nigeria by Mr. President and the Governors of the affected states. Indeed, important information about imminent flooding has been made known to Nigerians this year, therefore something urgent should be done to keep hope of people alive, by the government, to avoid the uninvited disaster.

The various tiers of government should as a matter of urgency put things in place to avert waste of materials and loss of lives. Also Nigerians living in the coastal communities prone to flooding should not be taken unawares. It is hard to lose ones properties before one’s eyes. And that is why government must serve, and save Nigerians from the impending flood disaster. ####


Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu


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