

Don’t Dialogue with Terrorists

Dialogue is one way to resolve crisis in any giving society. It would be recalled vividly that during the era of militancy in the Niger Delta geo-political zone, dialogue and peaceful negotiations played very important role in putting to an end the various agitations that rocked the oil rich region.

The Federal Government of Nigeria under the leadership of President Yar’Adua reached an accord with the militants in the Niger Delta.

The agitations in the Niger Delta region are genuine, because the people of the area despite their contributions towards the economic development of the country, the region witnessed abject poverty, economic deprivation and environmental degradation. Shortly after the peaceful dialogue between the Federal Government and the militants the Niger Delta zone became calm.

Our annoyance is that the faceless killers terrorizing the northern part of the country have no genuine course. They are yet to give Nigerians the message why they are acting in this crude manner. The Boko Haram sect has destroyed a lot of lives and properties in the north.

Four (4) weeks ago, they abducted over two hundred (200) female students of the Federal Girls Secondary College, Chibok in Borno State to unknown destination.

On Monday the leader of the senseless Islamic sect, Ibraham Shekau said that the only solution, the abducted Chibok School Girls could be released is for the Federal Government to set free all of its detained members who are in one captivity or the other. We think that the Federal Government should not succumb to such condition. After all terrorism is a crime against humanity.

The Boko Haram is out to destroy President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. They are being sponsored by the enemies of this country. The sponsor of Boko Haram do not have the interest of the progress and unity of Nigeria at heart.

Striking any peace deal with them is like mortgaging the future of this country. Government should not go into any peace talk with the members of Boko Haram and their sponsors.

Whatsoever a man soweth, he must reap it. ###

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