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Prof. (Mrs.) Ndi Okereke Onyeuke Donates Bus, Chairs To Bonny PDP

BONNY FOLWING PICAs the general elections are fast approaching, the PDP party faithful have come together to discuss on the best way forward.

On Friday November 7th 2014, one of the prominent daughters of Ibani, Amaopuorubo (Prof.) Ndi Okereke Onyeuke hosted the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP), Bonny chapter in her country home, New layout road, Grand Bonny, the headquarters of the Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State.

It was a get together that attracted prominent Bonny Politicians in PDP.

In her speech, Prof. Ndi Okereke commended all those who find time to witness the occasion, saying that she came to Bonny to reaffirm her membership, trust and confidence with the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Bonny chapter so as to enable her contribute her wealth of experience in moving the Bonny PDP forward at all levels.

Prof. Okereke revealed that she has been retired from service, according to her, “I come home to join hand and build PDP more stronger in the interest of our dear brother and son, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan”. She charged all PDP stake holders in the area to work as a team, so as to enable the party get victory come 2015.

The erstwhile Director of Nigeria Stock Exchange informed the audience of her desire for Rivers West Senatorial District but that her proposed aspiration has been dropped for some reasons. Adding that Bonny is up to own a senator in 2015, but in search of a credible candidate, Prof. Ndi appealed to all Bonny politicians to come together and form one formidable front so as to project the image of the island.

She stated that Bonny has never been in opposition in history of the politics of Nigeria. She donated 42 seaters coaster bus, one hundred plastic chairs and other valuables to the Bonny PDP.

In his remarks, the Peoples Democratic Party, chairman, Bonny, Hon. Simon Hart thanked the donor, Prof. Ndi Okereke Onyeuke for her kind gesture and assured that the gift will be judiciously used, that the party will ever remain firm. The party chief noted that Bonny PDP is indivisible and is operating on the principle of the party constitution.

The party chieftain charged her to contribute her wealth of experience in building the Bonny PDP.

In his view, the PDP leader in Bonny LGA, Hon. Amasenibo Rodaford O. LongJohn lauded Prof. Okereke for her kind gesture and appealed to her to be dutiful to the party in moral contributions.

LongJohn noted that the party needs more credible members like her added that the party (PDP) cooperates as a family despite minor differences.

The party leader used the medium to appeal to members to ensure that the forth coming voters registration exercise is everybody’s concern, saying that the right of a member in a party is the registration card, pointing out that 2015 general elections, victory is for PDP at all levels.

LONGJOHN commended Prof. Ndi for her kind gesture and noted that PDP is open to all citizenry and called on all defected members of PDP and new members to join hand to deliver Bonny to PDP at all levels.

Those who witnessed the occasion include: Mr. Earnest 0. Allison, the party secretary, Mr. Charles T. Jumbo, Amasenibo (Hon) lbimam F. S. Green, Hon. Aboma Pepple, Amasenibo J. D. Ibaningo (chief elect). Others are: Se-Alabo (Hon) Golden C. Wilcox, Warisenibo Robert Jumbo, Warisenibo Eliot Jim-Halliday, Warisenibo Oliver Benstowe, Hon. (Warisenibo) Dagogo Z. Benstowe, Prof. (Engr) Justus T. Green, Mr. Arinye Banigo (LGA Youth Leader) Barr. Opuada Willie Pepple and party stakeholders.

However, the LGA publicity secretary, Comrade Daniel L. Dublin Green lauded all members of the party for their massive turn out to honour the call of their sister, Ndi and also charged other party faithful to emulate the spirit of unity.

Comrade Dublin Green further thanked the members of the party for their peaceful disposition during the Ward and Local government Congresses. ###

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