
Mass Wedding And Nigerian Society

Marriage is an essential Institution instituted by God. This institution only exists between adult male and female. It is a relationship that remains throughout life.
Marriage transcends from one generation to another. Marriage ceremony takes various dimensions based on tribe, culture and religion. What is obtainable as marriage rite in south might not be acceptable or observed in the north of the country. This is a union between two persons of opposite sex. And relatives of bride and groom converge to honour their son and daughter in marriage ceremony.
Indeed, the attires involved for marriage ceremony are not also universally endorsed. But every race in the world has its style and uniform for such public function. Marriage is another obvious attribute to maturity of an individual adult. Before marriage is conducted for the two intending couple, there should be the consent of both parents as a sign of good omen for the new family. Indeed, it is a period of sober reflection as people come to share ideals of building a virile society.
The marriage ceremony is always done with agreement of the intending in-law’s family. In Nigeria, marriage is an age-long institution. It is only when the female adult agrees to marry the male adult that marriage is consummated. Ordinarily, it is believed that an adult man of thirty should not be delayed to marry a wife. Sometime, those who are bereaved of their loved ones are allowed to re-marry if they so wished. In an African society, an adult spinster or bachelor is regarded as an unfulfilled person no matter what he or she possesses. Marriage is one thing humans can not do without. No race is free from marriage. It is a universal language spoken by all races without racism. And another major importance of marriage is for procreation. This in turn is another avenue to sustain the existence of human race
It is on this premise that the government of Kano State embarked on a sensitization campaign to woo adult who lost their husbands or wives to re-marry. The Kano State government under the previous administration of Rabiu Kwankwaso sponsored 3000 people to ‘marry. The mass wedding was seen as a step in the right direction. Indeed, the new administration in Kano headed by Governor Umar Gthiduje is serious to organize another mass wedding for 2000 people in Kano State. The mass wedding experiment might be alien to Nigerian society, but in a way it means to rebuild a society free of whoredom and prostitution. The Kano State government has helped adult members of the State to have a sense of belonging. It is a clarion call to other States in the federation to emulate the lofty gesture of the Kano state experience. If it is working in Kano State, it means if proper sensitization is carried out in other states it could work. This in a way will help reduce single parent hood that is prevalent in the country.
Indeed, religious bodies and leaders should be involved in this exercise to carry out the enlightenment campaign. It is worthy to note that marriage in some parts of the country is expensive. For instance, in Nigeria people engage in about three types of marriages, namely:- Traditional marriage, Church marriage (commonly known as church wedding) and court marriage at the registry. In some cases couple are convinced to engage in all, and this calls for government intervention, especially in the aspect of legislation. This aspect will reduce co-habiting of people as husband and wife without proper marriage rite.
Indeed, the mass wedding should be done with the consent of the intending couple and not by compulsion. Religious, traditional institutions and government should form synergy to ameliorate cost of marriage in Nigeria. Marriage is a veritable tool for religious bodies and government to correcting the moral decadence of the society. Therefore, the government of the day should be concerned about dowry and bride price that often preclude men from marriage.


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