Soul Mate

COUNSELLING:The Woman To Marry

Every being in existence needs a companion (partner) to make life worthwhile, as social beings in the society. It is then not surprising that when a woman is of marriageable age her emotion yearns for a companion, same as the man. Gen. 2:24-25, 1:27.
A man without a woman is incomplete in his life, same as a woman without a man in her life. This is a natural order that must be complied with at all ages till eternity.
But the candidate to call your woman (wife) becomes the most challenging period in some men’s life because of the contributing importance it has in the life of the man concerned.
A good woman is an upliftment to any advancing up and doing man. The reverse is the case to the totality of the menfold. It then becomes important to be more careful in choosing who to commit the totality of your life to as long as you will live.
There are marriageable candidates or materials, as well as there are unmarriageable candidates amongst the women.
A woman beauty physically does not guarantee the success of her marriage to a wealthy or promising young man in the society. Physical beauty itself is an abstract understanding of the value of marriage.
A not too beautiful lady may be a good house wife or marriage partner in most cases than beautiful ladies. This is because marriage is commitment of sharing two different lives in different background together. So it becomes so cumbersome to discover the right woman or partner for the menfolk for a longer time.
There are certain factors that guarantee a woman to become a good wife, which every man ought to check out for before saying I do. Because marriage is a life time commitment of two hearts to each other. And it is done once and for all in one’s life time.

What are the characteristic of a good wife?
a) A good wife seeks the well being of her partner (husband) before any other thing.
b) A good wife is always humble to her husband and his trusted friends, associates and above all his parents, her in-laws.
c) A good wife is that woman who understands she is the mother of the man (her husband) and treats him with tenderness and care.
d) A good wife is that woman who is the manager of the man, the house and his entire affairs. In that wise, she understands she is his best friend and adviser.
e) The woman to marry is that woman who is not seen everywhere.
f) The woman to marry is that woman who sees sacrifice making as her duty to keep her home and man (husband) happy at all times
g) The woman to marry is that woman who does not talk too much but is always tender and calculative.
h) The woman to marry is that woman who is industrious and hardworking, who never says no to hard work that yields her profits and fame.
i) The woman to marry, is that woman who makes prayer and faithfulness to Yahweh as her life.
j) The woman to marry is that who keeps herself to only one man (her partner/husband)
k) The woman to marry is that woman who considers others with kindness with the little she has.
l) The good woman to marry is that woman who is truthful, honest and ever ready to say the truth no matter the situation.
m) The woman to marry is that woman who does not value material things above nature.
n) Such woman believes in the justice of nature, who never takes sides in any happening.
o) The good woman to marry is that woman who never denies her husband (partner) sex when he needs it, knowing its implication in marriage. 1 Cor. 7:2-5.
p) The good woman to marry is that woman who admits her faults and confesses when she offends her man (husband).
q) The woman to marry is that woman who will not hold the sins of her man against him as she is hundred times ready to forgive him before he even ask for forgiveness.
r) The woman to marry is that woman who is quarrel free with her husband, neighbours, friends and associates.
s) The good woman to marry is that woman who cordinates her husband’s family with peace and honesty.
t) Men look out for those women who are beautiful from their hearts not outward physical beauty that is covered with lots of unwanted loads that tomorrow will put you into problems.
u) Rather, look out for those women who will never support any evil and laziness in our society. I tell you, such woman price is much more that rubies.
v) On a final note, look out for those women who will never pester you with sex at will, who value and trust your personality and regard your sense of honesty, integrity, faithfulness and bear your weakness with you.
Reactions are expected from this write up. Keep your text messages coming on the usual SoulMate line. 08082649997.
See you next edition.

Are You A believer?

Dear Editor, are you a believer? If yes, why do you introduce match making in your course. Secondly, you always write Yahweh when referring to God, is Yahweh not a Hebrew people way of calling God?
Adam Selema writes from Oyigbo town.

Response: Dear Adma, thanks for being so observant. I like you your question. To answer and teacher of the only creator of the universe, whose ineffable sacred personal name is Yahweh not Hebrew way of calling the creator (God) my answer is you are wrong.
Yahweh is the personal name of the Grand creator. Just as you have your personal name as you would like to be addressed or officially entered in your document for your salary, despite your nicknames or names people tend to call you. Only that Yahweh used the Hebrews as the first nation in the world.
Yahweh has only one name which he instructed us to call him by that name when we are in trouble. Psalm 50:15, psalm 83:18, He (Yahweh) also warned us not to call this HOLY Name carelessly in Ex. 20:7 for whoever that does that he will not hold guiltless.
Please help me to read the reversed standard Bible, The Bible preface V(5) you will understand that the name is too holy hence they brought in Elohim meaning God, Andonai meaning Lord to replace the name of Yahweh.
So know today that if you are calling God, and Lord you are calling idol names of Canaan which the Israelites were warned on time before getting to Canaan Ex. 23:13.

Star Services
Sagittarius (Nov. 23- Dec. 21)
Those who are born under this star have their most suitable spouse from Gemini for lasting relationship particularly in marriage.

Most Fortunate Months February and June
Most Fortunate Day Thursday

Herbal Services
Moringa For Mental Alertness
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