Soul Mate


Folks of The Newswriter, we are your best bet to pick your partner in the Soul Mate column. Do you have any relationship problem to share with the Soul Mate? Do you have difficulty in having a steady relationship? Worry no more. The Newswriter is your guarantee to find a partner. End that lonely life by picking a partner to settle down once and for all.
The Newswriter Soul Mate column gives you the opportunity to get married before April 2012. You have varieties of partners to make your choice. End that lonely life today by picking a nice partner from the Soul Mate column from The Newswriter.
Do you have any relationship experience to share so others could benefit from it? Waste no time, text the Soul Mate editor or call. I sure tell you we will give you audience.
Because of the volume of requests of Star services, we request that those who are requesting for star services should text us N500 card of Aitel, Etisalat or Glo to facilitate your request being published.
The Soul Mate page is also open to sponsorship. You can advertise your product on the Soul Mate column for sponsorship and advert. Call the editor of the Soul Mate on 0808264997 and you will sure gather patronage. The Soulmate column is going places based on the calls and texts we are receiving both from internet and the length and breadth of Nigeria.
The Newswriter, you are the best
Dear Editor, my name is Caroline Wappa. I am proud to associate with you. You have the best relationship column in Nigeria. Please keep the good job up. More blessings to your flowing hand. We can never be tired of buying you
Dear editor, I am Perekomo, within the time I have known your Soul Mate column. I am bound to you. I can never stop buying The Newswriter because of the Soul Mate column. I pray the good Lord to give you strength and wisdom to last for us all. Be blessed, editor.
Ans: Dear Caroline and Perekomo, May Yahweh also bless you with your heart desires. We will always do our best to serve you, knowing that you are there for us. Happy reading in our subsequent editions.
In our last edition we promised to discus the relevance of the bedroom and the kitchen to the woman’s favour in relationship with men. Women will always have their way in a relationship with men, if they can apply these two facts rightly. Any lady, who understand how to cook delicious meal for her man and combines it with quality sex, will always hold him spell bound to herself. Meal and sex are direct impact felt by the human intellect in all spheres because they are directly imported into the system of the man.
Sex comes from the heart, same as the feeling of eating comes from the heart and goes round to affect the entire system of the man’s body. Please learn how to master the eating sense of your man, as well as his sexual appetite in your relationship, so as not to lose him to someone who will do these to his satisfaction.
Herbal Services
In relation to this column, we will be addressing sex destroyers in segments.
For our promise, we will start with the importance of honey in sexual life of the men and also the medicinal importance of honey to life in both men and women.
Weakness of Penis: If your penis is functioning below your expectation, get 3 big onions, boil them in hot water and squeeze out the juice, filter it and mix it with the same quantity of honey, stir and boil it again. The moment it reaches the boiling point remove it and pour it into a bottle and take a big spoonful of it after each meal or use natural honey in place of sugar regularly.
What honey can do in life
To be slim: Take two spoonful of pure honey, ten minutes before meal. You get a marvelous natural slimming without stress and effect. This is for both men and women; we are waiting for the testimony from you. Keep doing it to get your health in good shape.
Sleeplessness: Honey is still a good remedy here. Take two table spoonful of honey in the morning and later at night about one hour before bedtime. Honey calms nerves and care for tension.
Honey to cure jaundice: Take one table spoonful of honey before bedtime. Honey contains tranquilizing element like potassium and iron capable of inducing peaceful and undisturbed sleep.
Honey to remedy measles, smallpox and chicken pox: Rob natural pure undiluted honey on the part of the body. Because of the osmotic pressure of human body, honey is capable of extracting pathogens from rashes of measles, small pox and chicken pox. The rashes soon dry while pure formation is impeded.
Severe cough: Bitter kola. Grind some bitter kola (10) and mix the powder to 35cl bottle of natural undiluted honey to syrup.
Adults: 3 teaspoon 3 times daily.
Children: 1 teaspoonful, 3 times daily.
The use of honey to handle sickle cell case: If your child is a sickler, get half a piece of lime, half a peace of an orange and egg yolk. Mix them all and add a spoonful of honey, give the child to drink. Do it on daily basis. The child would be alright. Please keep faith with us as we serve you much more better next edition. ###


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