
The PDP And Whatever is Needful

HON. UCHE SECONDUSIt is written “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time to war and a time for peace. Eccl. 3:1-2,4,6-8 (NIV).

Change they say is the only permanent thing in life and this change can occurs at anytime in life irrespective of the circumstances. Indeed, change is synonymous with time as all things revolve round the issues of life.

Remember, there can be no circumstance, issues or a development that takes God unaware. Hence, if God is aware of everything before its occurrence, then God must have given the way for even the ugly situations to come by, perhaps to prove his supremacy to human being.

Political system is an institution ordained by God Himself which has been the pilot with men of goodwill, sound reputation and justice governing on earth in the likes of father Abraham, Moses, Caleb, Josiah and all who were chosen by Him.

In the act of leadership which applies to politics and governance those found wanting were dealt with not only for the correction of others but also not to inject bad blood into the polity.

Though, Moses as a great leader was taken up as record of his death were not found, yet he was not able to get to the promise Land because of what man may characterized as a little offense or stress occasioned on the people’s attitude. That was just one of the typical punishment for erring leaders.

God Almighty must be given the pride and priority of place in the affairs of Nigerian politics to enhance the desired system and operational mechanisms.

The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, as a ruling political party in Nigeria since 1999 following its formation in 1998 has been struggling with the quest to stabilize the Nigerian politics but with much opposition.

Some of the oppositions met include constructive and non-constructive criticism, greed, power tussle, corruption, heresy and hatred and what have you.

Yes, these oppositions are meant to strengthen and stabilize the polity but must it be done with strife, bitterness, killings, name calling and blackmail?

These opposition sometimes emanates within the PDP itself, some from the opposition political parties and some from the abandoned members, etc.

In all these, the PDP still holds swear to powers up till date probably because of its acquaintance, understanding and mastery of the polity then the expectation of the people from such a powerful and larger group is leadership by example as well as positive directives to positively affects the citizenry at all levels.

Now, what is expected of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP is the ability to understand, visualize and doing whatever is needful not only to its members but the general public.

Remember, no opposition party would accept or congratulate whatever action, achievements or policy of a ruling party, as it is the attitude of Nigerian political system orchestrated by the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN.

What I am elucidating is that, it is time for the ruling Peoples Democratic Party PDP, to brace up to the challenges of building a one indivisible family and Nation by using its forthcoming special congress to restore the many lost confidence by the people.

Many who have worked for the party since its emergence in 1998 are nowhere to be found, some have died either naturally, emotionally, or otherwise while the current beneficiaries are those opposed to the party from inception, what a misnomer!

This practice is spread within the party at all its level, ranging from National, States, LG’s and wards. Those mostly affected are those whose relations, friends and godfathers are not in a position or the other either at the local governments, states and National as well.

A situation where, immediately one is elected into office, the electorates and mostly viable supporters and members of the party become first suspects and perceived enemies of such elected officers is a wrong practice, not welcomed, not suitable and must be done away with to keep the party on a fast lane of development and continued leadership.

This, if done will position the party on the plane of its slogan of giving power to the rather than ridding on and against them.

Back home to the south-south chapter of the party, the Rivers State chapter, I think there is also the urgent need to give honour to whom it is due and celebrate whoever that is worth celebrating irrespective of the class, race, tribe and especially community.

In one of my previous episodes, I discussed about chances and opportunities for every individual to be upright in his or her area of service as opportunity may call on him or her. In that edition, titled “One good turn deserves another, it was indeed an eye opener that a man stand the chances of reaping whatever he has sowed right here on earth.

When you deprived someone of his privilege or right, be rest assured that, you must also reap in same manner “Don’t be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” Gal. 6:7 (NIV).

If the PDP at all levels, the governors of any states in the south-south, the chairmen of any local government as well as the party hierarchies in the ruling party have in anyway stepped on any toe, I believe it is time to make amends and to reposition the party for greater achievements.

Let me at this point commend the PDP National office for zoning the office of the Deputy National chairman of the party to Rivers and Bayelsa States, from the South-South zone.

It is also my commendation to the two states to have not only zoned it to Rivers State but have conceded and nominated an astute, well behaved, grassroot planner and dedicated son and leader of the Andoni politics, Prince Uche Secondus for the exalted position of National deputy chairman.

The choice of Prince Uche Secondus to my mind is the beginning of a new dawn in the party both at the National, Regional and Rivers State in particular.

Do you know what! I will continue to appreciate the Party especially the Bayelsa chapter for counting ‘Secondus’ worthy to fit into the number two chair of the ruling party, considering his past footprints on the Nigerian political world.

Secondus, a man popularly known and addressed as total and digital chairman at several fora in Rivers State was a man whose political prowess amount to liberation of the party in the state.

The party was almost silenced by other political parties irrespective of been the ruling party in the state at the time when he was elected chairman of the state.

He was also not only tested but proven to be a dynamic and pragmatic leader when he assumed the office of the National Organizing Secretary of the Party. His tenure as the organizing secretary witnessed a robust transformation and transparency of the party during its 2011 general election.

The PDP primaries which ushered in Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan as its presidential candidate was such that was globally applauded and commended, probably because of over ambitious character.

That primaries had settled the claims of all aspirants into that office as no one was able to appeal or reject the outcome of that election except the former vice president Alhaji Atiku Abubakar who could not embrace the party candidate.

All I am buttressing here is that, the said primaries were the product of the PDP through the office of the then National Organizing Secretary, Prince Uche Secondus.

Antecedent have shown that Uche Secondus is most qualified and matured enough to occupy the office even as he is an humble leader.

It is my view that when elected come August 31st, 2013 Secondus wealth of experience will synergize and compliment that of the chairman, Alhaji Barmanga Tukur for a better PDP.

I am not campaigning for Secondus but if you think so, then let it be, but all I am concerned about is that time and chances awaits everyone and whoever it happens to must thank God and should be supported.

You know, it is scriptural that we should recognize and rejoice with those rejoicing; therefore the choice of Prince Uche Secondus is not only a welcome development, commendable but also a reward for faithful, sincere, selfless and committed service to the nation and humanity.

To me, I would describe it as a square peg in a square hole, a balanced position indeed in the Peoples Democratic Party and an excellent move and decision.

But, let me also call on the party at all levels and those concerned to wake up and consider those who have worked for the party by rewarding them through award of contracts, elective or appointive positions and other incentives that would rejuvenate the dead emotions in the people against the party.

Citizens, party stalwarts and electorates, irrespective of their status, gender and abode who had suffered for the party should be considered against the ongoing syndrome of favouritism, nepotism and godfatherism in the ruling party.

By doing this, the stage will be set for the transparency we are advocating for and the needful would have been done and achieved.

Let the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP rise up to doing the needful to better the lots of Nigerian young politicians and party supporters.

Thanks you all. ###


With James Mgboineme

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