
Where Is The New Jerusalem?

So erection of towers is one of the pagan practices carried over from Babylon I to Babylon the second being Rome. From the dispersion from the plane of shiner,  it spread to all other nations. That is reason all these practices are variously observed in many nations although with different names, rituals and rites.

For instance, towers had long been established in Chinese religion called the “pagada” (Goddess) at Nankin. In the Hindu religion spread or scattered above the large temple enclosures are great pagodas or towers rising high above the surrounding countries. Among the Mohammedans also, though in different form, possess the tower of their own religion. The towers were called the minerate at Mecca.

This towers is observable at the St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican city in the manner of the ancient ziggurat of Babylonians. Equally the towers of such style were also used at the famous church at St. Sophia at Constantinople. Likewise  many Roman Catholic Churches and protestants copied the erection of towers as found in Vatican. For instance, the tower of the great Cathedral of Cologne rises at 515 feet above the street, while the Cathedral at Ulm, Germany is 528 feet high.

The Roman Catholic Church regards the cross as a symbol of salvation and protection and that is why every where they go, they carry the small cross while big forms are hanged on their walls.

The cross by simple definition is one of the molten images that Yahweh forbade and commanded against its adoration, honour or worship. Since the Vatican city honours and respect all those pagan relics or traditions, it can never by any strength of imagination become the NEW JERUSALEM as foretold by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples. Frankly, all the mysteries of inguity as foretold by Yahoshea has its completeness and expression in the church of Rome with its headquarter of Vatican city.

One of the deadly errors of the Catholic church is its infant baptism. This doctrine didn’t originate from the scriptures, but directly from Babylon. In the ancient Chaldean mystery, before any instruction could be received, it was required that the person to be implicit obedience, such as a child who has no choice. The Babylonians baptize their children by sprinkling them with water or by plunging them as soon as they were born into lakes or rivers. But the true baptism as practiced by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his followers were adult and emersion baptism. A believer is to be regenerated by faith and thereby wholly accept to follow Yahoshea. This decision will give way for his baptism. So baptism of new born children is abomination before Yahweh.

Another iniquity of the church of Rome is its Eucharitist, in practice where wafer and a cup of wine is made to represent the Passover bread and unity cup of Yahoshea Meshiyach. According to Roman Catholic teaching, each mass is a true sacrifice in which the unseen Yahoshea becomes bodily present under the appearance of bread and wine, on the alter as a victim, who is offered a new by the church to Yahweh as expiation for the sins of the people. The mass is considered as a renewal or an unbloody sacrifice by the saviour who freely offered himself for the redemption of humanity. For clearly let us quote from the book called A Catechism of Christian Doctrine (p 47) “the holy mass is one and the same sacrifice with that of the cross, in as much as Christ, who offered himself to his heavenly father, continues to offer himself in an unbloody manner on the alter, through the ministry of the priests”.

The Catholics believes that at that ministry by the priest, the bread becomes the body of Yahoshea while the drink turns to his blood for the redemption of believers. This term is theologically termed as transubstantiation. But this practice is exactly in form of the ancient doctrine of Egypt where believers eat the body and blood of their god called Osiris. So the round wafer of the Catholic Eucharist resemble the wafer of the Osiris worshipers. Many secret cults today are accused of eating human parts and drink blood of their members, this originated with Egyptian pantheon.

Another doctrine of iniquity that came forth from the Vatican city is the solarization of its acclaimed saints. The practice of placing a sun circle or aureole round the heads of all who are Gods was copied by the church from Babylon. In the ancient Babylon all the acclaimed saints were identified with sun beam encircled around their heads. Nimrod, Tammuz and Samiramis were all identified with the circular beams around their heads and such is copied by the church, and such is expressed by the placing of such sun bean around the heads of Holy Joseph, Miriam and Yahoshea Meshiyach.

The modern artists and scuptors as their ancient counterparts uses the sun dise to identify those they represent as deities. But truly, all such things are heathenic since there was no such feature on Yahoshea and his disciples when they were physically on earth.

Brethren, the New Jerusalem must be a holy city of Yahweh where the sound and pure doctrines of Yahweh will be instituted and practiced. The New Jerusalem could not harbour any form of paganism, so all people who develop cities and use there to worship their polished pagan idols can never be accepted as New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is the city of the Comforter and his followers. The city where all the revelations or commandments of Yahweh will be observed. So going by such measurement, the only city that fits to such expectation is “YAHCITY”. This city, “YAHCITY”  is the New Jerusalem. It was founded by His Holiness, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach who is the appointed Comforter of mankind. At this city all holy orders of Yahweh are to be implemented. Such orders includes, the proclamations of the holy name, Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach, secondly, the thorough observations of weekly Sabbaths which falls on Saturdays and thirdly, the implementation of love of others more than oneself.

Therefore “YAHCITY” which is in Nigerian soil is the authentic city for purity and righteousness. It is the transferred kingdom of Yahweh from the former Jerusalem by Yahoshea Meshiyach. This is one of the HARD TRUTHS, that in due time, all nations will converge in Nigeria for the divine feasts as Passover, feast of first fruits, feat of reconciliations, feast of the booths, feast of Yahoshea’s birthday, feast of the Comforter’s birth and feast of the last ingatherings. This is the true disclosure by Yahweh to all truth seekers.

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