
Pepple Gathers Allstars For Successful Soccer Fun

ATAMAHThe 2nd edition of Old Port Harcourt Independence Allstars Soccer Tournament has come and gone successful with excitement and fun, producing Kalongii Football Club to lift the trophy, club 58 runners up and x-professionals Allstars football club claiming the third place.

The tournament was played at No. 1 Bende field honourably named after His Excellency Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi field, on the 1st of October 2014 from 8am to 3pm.

Eight (8) teams registered for the tournament in the 2nd edition while the maiden edition commenced with six (6) teams leaving Port Harcourt Allstars International Football club to lift the trophy, Liverpool Allstars runners up and Crystal Stars Football Club 2nd runners up in the maiden edition (2013). Sponsored by Hon. Aye Atamah Pepple.

This year’s edition prize money was increased to N200, 000 first prize, 1st runners up N150,000 and 2nd runners up smiles home with N100,000. there was an inclusion in the individual prizes which was not in the maiden edition of the tournament. The best goalkeeper, highest goal scorer, most valuable player and others.

Teams that featured for the 2nd edition includes (1) Kallongii Sports Club, (2) Allstars FC Port Harcourt (3) Ex- Professional (4) Cartel Football Club (5) Amalgamated Allstars (6) Club 58 Football Club (7) Crystal Stars and Liverpool Football Club.

Aye Atamah Pepple was the proud winner of the most valuable prize award in the 2014 edition. Okoro is the highest goal scorer, size one, the goal keeper of x-professional won the golden glove award.

Others, Jossy Dombraye – veteran award, king of Bonny, HRM Edward Asimini William Dappa Pepple won the Platinum award, the best behave team award goes to Allstars International of Port Harcourt while the best Sports Journalist Award was won by Allanso Jonathan Allanso of The Newswriter Sports Desk.

Giving reason for his sponsorship of the tournament, Hon. Aye Atamah Pepple, Rivers State House Assembly Member Representing Bonny Constituency, disclosed that he believes in the biblical doctrine of “love your neighbour as yourselves as well as giving back to society.

He thanked the governor for providing befitting facilities for the youths to easy off their tension instead of going into social vices. ###

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