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Nollywood Stars watch Emeka UTD Lift Trophy At Okochiri

Nollywood Stars on 19th of October at Okochiri, Okrika, the headquarters of Okrika Local Government Area watched Emeka United Football club lift the 2nd edition of High Chief Ateke Tom sponsored 5-Aside Football competition.

32 teams registered for the competition leaving Emeka United to lift the trophy and carted home the sum of N500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) prize for the competition.

MacJeff Academy came 2nd place as Emeka United edged Macjeff Academy in the finals by penalties shout out 2-0, popsy city was placed 3rd and was rewarded with cash prize and the bronze trophy, Ibisemiema Otta won the most valuable player (MVP), Israel Banigo of MacJeff Academy FC was the highest goal scorer with 9 goals.

Nollywood stars Zack Orji, Patience Ozorkwo, Tony Umez, Larry Kole Sweat, Benedict Johnson, Walter Anga, Alaso Waribugu, Dabo Jebola, Ani Emeka and others were all on hand to watched the finals. They were even given special award by the organizing committee of the tournament.

High Chief Ateke Tom was also admitted into the Rastafarian fold by the Grand commander of the Rastafarians in Africa.

High Chief Ateke Tom is now the patron of the Rastafarians in Nigeria and Africa.

Different entertainment groups were also on hand to spice up the occasion as play upon play stole the occasion throughout that night.

The main football competition comes December where all willing football teams in Niger Delta could compete for honours.

The sponsor, High Chief Ateke Tom said, he will continue to sponsor the competition to give opportunity to the soccer talents in the society to help themselves live a better useful life. ###

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