
Significance of Resurrection

ResurrectionOfChristApril 5, 2015 Christians all over the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Hundreds of centuries ago, Jesus Christ was born. And the mysteries that followed his birth are unexplainable. He was conceived by a virgin, and delivered in a manger. Shortly after his delivery wisemen came and paid homage to him with gifts which have their importance.

Before He was born, Angels and Prophets announced His coming and revealed the essence of his birth which among others include salvation.

During His earthly journey, Jesus Christ shown the way to happier life. His teachings were infallible doctrines that expose the true nature of man.

The reason of His coming was to save mankind from sins or destruction.

The Bible says that He came that mankind will enjoy life and life abundantly.

To fulfill His mission on earth and to set the captives free, He was crucified on the cross and resurrected on the third day.

The significance of the death and resurrection is to give hope to mankind. The crucifixion nailed all the challenges, sins, sicknesses, reproaches among others on the cross of Calvary. Our problems of today are mere shadows, they are all being nailed, thus the cross renders them impotent. What a mystery!

On the third day Jesus raised from death. Grave cannot hold him captive, because He is the possessor of the heavens and earth.

Anyone who believes His resurrection will also be resurrected on the last day. His resurrection has shown us the glory of God which fades not and shines forever.

As we commemorate His resurrection, the season has become the season of peace and forgiveness. Even on the cross while dying Jesus shown forgiveness to his traitors. So as followers of Christ we must show the same behaviour so that on His return to the earth, we shall not found wanting. ###




Damiete West


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