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“And Lead Us Not Unto Temptation ….”

praying_handsI cherish the Lord’s Prayer so much and recite it daily, especially before the sun rises. My hope in life is anchored on it. Any time, I pray the Lord’s Prayer, it stirs my spiritual life. Critically examine the Lord’s Prayer, it tells us how we can begin our day.

Every living soul is expected to recite the Lord’s Prayer first thing in the morning because it gives succour to the needy. We are all needy and less-privileged as far this early journey is concerned.

No one is self sufficient, and in every second we draw our strength from the higher power to sustain ourselves.

The world is full of diverse temptations and it is difficult to come out of it. As one sojourns on this planet earth, challenges, storms and pains will come. Getting solutions to come out of these problems are difficult to come by. That is why often times men and women are running helter-skelter looking for a escape from their challenges. Enemies and adversaries roaming about looking for whom to devour.

One thing that is certain and sure there is no short cut to be delivered from the temptation of life. But there is an assurance in the Greatest Book of Wisdom (Holy Bible) in Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. This world is in darkness, and it is only the word of God (Jesus) that can brighten our path, our future, our career, etc.

Unemployment is evil, sickness is evil, kidnapping is evil, robbery is wickedness, Boko Haram is a sin and in all these it is only the word of God that can proffer lasting solution.

When we soak ourselves with the unchangeable and incorruptible word of God, lives will be better and there is hope for the future. Then the word itself will take us to the next level, where one will begin to live a purposeful life.  ###

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