

It was young, gentle but vibrant, trying to be exposed to life’s true essence.
Got caught by youthful exuberance, Thrown into the ambience of affection.
Met another that loved to be with it. Both possessed each other with a feeling
of romance.
They were compactable, nothing could put them apart: they lived as though
they have been programmed by heaven to abide together till eternity

One gets bruised the other feels the pain. Promises upon promises, sometimes
Missed with lies they made to each other. They both believed in themselves
even when they have not seen reality staring at them. They have been together with
a plan of creating a new family of theirs.

They became the envy of all eyes. Everybody used them as a yardstick for the measurement of true relationship. They were still together when someone preferably
better than one came to the other The other had no option than to willingly submit to
the intruder. The one heard it, saw it to be all true. Could not stand because something
has broken apart: It was heart break.

Suicide was considered as the only antidote because great dreams seemed to be shattered.
A broken heart doesn’t mean a shattered dream. It is not even pointing to
the direction of suicide. It could be saying, someone better is on the way. Plan your life,
live to your dreams. Was the advice a sage gave.

Inscribed by: Havilah Harry

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