Soul Mate


How To Make Your Man Propose To You

Dear readers of Soul Mate, let’s devote this week’s Match Making to tell how ladies can make their lovers propose to them. As you very well know, it is very frustrating, waiting and waiting endlessly for your man to propose to you. He may be shy or something else may be holding him back.
Of course, some will tell you he is not serious and so you should leave him and move on. But it is not easy to just move on for the lady after spending years together. In this part of the world where ladies feel shy to express their feelings to a man for fear of being called “a cheap” girl, you have to learn ways of silently encouraging him to propose to you.
No matter what you do, never pressurize him to marry you. It will simply repel him. Don’t ever nag about getting married to him quickly. It is counter-productive. He will resist it and think you are just throwing yourself at him. Never push.
However, there is no straight line solution to it. Some will tell you to go for what you want and if he does not like it, he could leave. Others will tell you to be very subtle about it and never tell him.
You are the only one to judge for yourself which particular method would suit your man.
Let’s look at some of the ways:
The withdrawal method: – Here, the man is very comfortable with you. He seems to like you and your ways. In fact, he feels you are his own and you really love him. Yet he fails to make the final commitment. Without letting him know, try making yourself a little bit scarce. Withdraw yourself a little. Don’t overdo it. May be, before every minute you are with him. Now, you can skip a day or two. Come back and shower love on him and repeat a shorter or longer period. He will realize what he loses by your absence. He will wonder what life would be without you by his side. It may move him to commit himself.
Like what he likes: – Find out what your man likes doing, what he spends his time on. Is it football, watching movies, listening to music, or reading? Showing interest in what he likes will make him cherish you.
Take care of his stomach: – If you want to get to his heart, take care of his stomach. Learn and prepare his favourite meals. He will not like to miss his delicious meals and that includes you!
Take care of his pets: – If he has any pet, it will be a sure way to hook him. He will appreciate the love you have for his pet and will not like to lose you. It is a sure way to make him propose.
Make him remember the first time: – It is very romantic to think back and remember how it all started. What did he say? How did he say it? What did you do? How did you feel? A recollection of the funny sides of the first date brings unity and he will cherish it and if you subtly bring in the proposal, he may not resist it.
Don’t be too serious or forceful: – Be simple. Mention the proposal in an easy, playful manner. Don’t be elaborate. Remember, it is not a do-or-die affair. Just tell him how you feel about it in a relaxed mood and he will cherish it.
Goodluck as you try to win your love.
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