Soul Mate

Match Making: Knowing Who Loves You

so many people find it difficult to express their feelings to someone they really want or love. Such people find several ways to demonstrate their feelings without actually saying it verbally. It may even get you confused and may find it difficult to know the intention of the person.
Here are some of the ways the person may behave and it is left for you to figure out what the person really wants.
Standing close: The person may cease every opportunity to stand close to you, hoping you may understand. However, if the person is a shy one he or she will probably stand further away from you than normal.
Smiles: – When he or she meets you, there is always a smile. No matter the situation, that come on smile is always on his or her lips, showing friendliness.
Off and on with you: – He or she likes to be with you always, and then suddenly, without any special reason, the person avoids you. This may happen again and again.
Talking clearly: – He or she is bold and talks clearly whenever you are around. However, if the person is a shy one, he or she stutters when you are around. This happens mostly to men. The age of the girl does not matter, some mature men may find it difficult to express themselves in the presence of the one the love and is eager to get.
Showing Themselves: – He or she likes to show himself or herself to you. Whether they face you or not, they show themselves to you and make you know they are there.
Bumping into you: – As if by coincidence, he or she always turns up wherever you are. At first it may seem to be accidental, but if it happens often, then know that it was deliberate and needs your attention.
Friendly to your friends: – He or she gets nice to whoever is your friend. They come close to them and are nice to them.
Mode of talking: – In your pressure, he or she talks either faster or slower.
Your hobbies: He or she gets interested in your hobbies and whatever you are interested in. He or she also listens to you more intently. It is just a process of trying to know you more.
Getting contact with you: – He or she likes to touch you often. It may be your arm or back or shoulders, but even a little laugh makes them lean on you. Except it is overdone to your own discomfort, it is a sign of likeness and you just have to notice it.
Attention to you: – He or she will like to please you by trying to do whatever gives you pleasure and happiness. The simple reason is that they like to see you happy and it makes them happy. They accept you and would like to do what will please you. Sometimes, it may be an unconditional love, like the love of a mother to her child or that of a child to a mother, even if it hurts.
He or she is always there for you and would like to assist in any way possible. A little request from you is enough for him or her to go all out to assist you.
Somehow, intuitively, you will know when someone loves you.
Whatever is the situation, it will take your keen observation to know who really loves you. It is then left for you to decide your next move which may be a positive or negative reaction.
It is however advisable that even if you don’t want the person’s attention or love, that you do not act so negatively as to make the person feel guilty of trying to show his or her love. Remember, love crudely repulsed, often turns out be a very dangerous hatred that may be more intense than the original feeling the person had for you. ##

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