
Is There Consciousness After Death?


Therefore many manner of revolutions, revolts, militancy are enforced by the leaders contracting the earthbound spirits. Likewise inventors or scientists who appease the spirits of the land or water before their extractions or operations brings the territory under the control of earthbound. When the agreement is violated or not maintained, the community may catch fire, inform of tribal oriented wars or conflicts

Since the earthbound spirits are negative they seeks to establish strongholds in us which can hinder over relationship with Yahweh through our mind. These strongholds are inform of personal weaknesses or lusts of flesh that we develop, so the enemy of man, negative thought passes through such weaknesses to gain ground in us as himself. While the earthbounds are spirits in form of vapour, they are everywhere only to be received by our minds through our lusts or evil character which forms negative side of our karma.

The earthbound spirits are on their own until we attract or receive them. The negative thoughts attracts evil or wicked earthbound spirits on our human lifes on the foundation of sin that mortals refuse to confess. It is better to control your thought, anything that operate on earth started with thought in the mind  the creation is a child product of thought. Don’t concentrate your mind on negative thought, but focused your mind on Yahweh and his good appearances that is the magic of the mind. Whatever you get today is derived from your precious thoughts and if there is a need of change it must come through your changed thought. So what matters in life is not what you face but how you face it. The magic of the mind is that power which you derived from thinking over a particular thing and which in due course will come to manifest. Do not over burden your mind with the negative things or appearances but concentrate on those positive images of life. The rod of a magician is in his mind.

The earth is created with perfection and was confirmed good by Yahweh but sin is the cause of mans downfall, and the passed on humans are the earthbound spirit who are waiting for their time of reincarnation.

The scripture admonished us in the book of Yahweh as “Do not let sin control your punny body any longer, do not give in to its sinful desires. Do not let any part of your bodies become tools of wickedness, to be used for sinning, but give yourselves completly to Yahweh  every part of you  for you are back from death and you want to be tools in the hand of Yahweh to be used for his good purposes”. Again the book of Yahweh says “Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshy lusts, which wage war against the spirit”.

It is the lust of our flesh that give the earthbound spirit easy access to our life. The earthbound spirit behind our negative thoughts afflicts, accuse, kill and destroy, deceive and cause people to sin against Yahweh. These spirits of the deads would like to hinder the mortals from bearing good fruits and serving Yahweh in fullness because since they failed from the standard set for mortals, they will love all to be like them. It is like wrestlers in a cage fight, those that falls out of the ring will try all possible means to see for the falling out of others so that non wins. And that is why the earthbound is not interested that you are committed in services to holy Yahweh. They will use any slight mistake made by the faithful to flow in to torture and harass the believer but the only way out is open and sincere confessions. Because when sins are confessed, we come to the point of purity and since vulture only loves rotten things, the earthbounds will vanish away and the conditions of the believer will be restored.

The Afro-Semitic fused religious sects where the acts of African traditional in form of consulting of ancestral spirits is fused with the ritual observation derived from the old testament. At this point pagan practices like, burnt or animal offerings, spiritual bathing or cleansing, use of perfumes, incense or deodorants, use of images like cross, observing the terms of mother and child or religious feminism, false prophecies or vision, dream tellings and interpretation are poraged together. The earthbound spirits love such filthy arrangements and they are attracted to support such ministry. All those who go for miracles, signs and wonders at such prayer houses are directly in contact with earthbound or evil spirits.

Likewise families, communities may because of security threats involve some security men who uses charms and amulet to protect themselves and their areas of jurisdiction. To such act, you are directly handing over that property to the earthbounds spirit for protection. You may boast that the security men are perfect because they perform well but the environment is under the spell of the earthbounds.

Likewise the majority of social workers like the musicians and athletes are involved in consultation of evil spirits. People go the mediums to acquire popularity and strength in order to shine before sons of men. Equally most of sports events derive its origin from the pagan festivals like the Olympics and Halloweans. Any right thinking follower or worshiper of Yahweh avoids such worldly activities.

That is why the life of a true believer is summed up to be a battlefield. The earthbound uses fear, terror, agitations, confusion, perplex and protestation on them always. Equally they prevent, deceive, reduce, allure, tempt, entice their victims in order to misguide them. They also supports men in cultism, occultism, false teaching and false prophecy. So for the believers to gain victory, they must be equipped with knowledge to discern errors, bold spiritual confidence and establish good spiritual foundation in order to face the needed trials and persecutions from those evil sprits. Above all the knowledge of the truth is very vital as the book of Yahweh says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected knowledge. I also will reject you from being my priests, since you have forgotten the laws of Yahweh, also I will forget your children”. The laws of Yahweh is that you should call, address and worship the Grand Creator in his personal name Yahweh, secondly you must keep the Sabbath Day Holy and Thirdly, you must love your fellow human beings more than you love yourself.

If you stand on this standard the earthbound will be defeated in your life just as the book of Yahweh says “That if you confess with your mouth that Yahoshea is the Meshiyach, and believe in your heart that Yahweh raised him from the dead, you shall be saved, for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation”. If you will stand for the right and authorized feasts of Yahweh, paying of appreciations, vows and tithes to Yahweh will arm you to grow about the threats of earthbound spirits.

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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