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The Limitations of Prayer: What Happens When You Pray

A lot has been happening in the country recently that could compel a spiritual student to comment on. But as said before, a spiritual student may know the reasons why some things happen but must obey the law of silence and therefore refuse to make comments knowing fully well that the spiritual workers working for God cannot make errors in their job for the spiritual evolution of mankind. Among these are the Boko Haram phenomenon, Ebola outbreak and the recent collapse of building in a well-known church in Nigeria. These happenings would make any curious observer ask questions like ‘Isthere really God? Is the world coming to an end?’ ‘Why would people kill in the name of God?’ ‘ If men of God cannot know when a building will collapse on his followers, are we really worshipping God Almighty?’

But all Holy Books affirm that God has concluded all creations and even rested on the seventh day. If this is true, why do people keep praying to beseech God in an attempt to change the will of God? Is it really possible to change God’s will when everything has been created and concluded? Is there really power in prayer? Why do people believe so much in the efficacy of prayer even though most often answers are not gotten from God?

Creation indeed has been completed by God. All scenarios that can be experienced by the creations of God has been programmed in all the universes of God and as such, everything therein runs smoothly without God coming once in a while to intervene simply because some Hu-mans who do not realize or understand their spiritual nature bombard Him with special requests called prayer. Just like a computer programmer programs a computer software to function in all forms of ramifications it might be deployed to before being sold to a user, so also, all imaginable situations that all creatures of God might go through, have been programmed by God Almighty before man was even sent down to earth. In order words God runs His Kingdom through immutable spiritual laws like the law of karma and reincarnation, the law of manifestation, etc. These laws are applicable in different universes of God and they are universal because their influences range from the tiniest atom to the greatest creature of God. All thoughts, words, feelings and actions of man and indeed all creatures are regulated by these spiritual laws of God.

So why do people pray and think they can change the will of God?

The answer is simple and short: These individuals love power and control over their fellow beings. For if they love God and are humble they would not crave for power the way they carry on. Look around you in most places of worship and you can see this demonstration of power and control. This lust for power has made man to believe he can change the will of God and is also responsible for the proliferation of houses of worship simply because every individual wants to be in charge. But only God Almighty is in charge of all life. The evidence is what we are seeing in Nigeria of today where ‘so called men of God’ are being exposed. Only the extremely foolish will still continue to believe in their so called ‘powers’

This culture of prayer began so many millions of years ago when man witnessed the rising of the sun on earth and its corresponding setting in the evening. Man in his limited intelligence then thought the sun that brought sunshine was his God which has captured evil, nightfall, by rising every morning. Therefore he bows his head and worships the sun in the morning and offers prayers for protection. Thus began the mystery of prayer until Galileo and his team made man to understand that the earth was part of a mini-galaxy and other planets were also discovered. This was around the 16th century. The church then which was the authority, executed Galileo and others for claiming that the earth rotated around the sun. They argued and asserted ignorantly that the earth was flat and any contrary opinion then was a challenge to the authorities and this met with death.

This is the same attitude we find today with prayer.

There are two major types of prayer, the directional and the non-directional. The directional is that types that wants to command God and tell God what to do. You must have seen these in most places of worship and on television where individuals command the Holy Spirit that created them to do their bidding. You must have also heard on radio where people are said to offer ‘powerful prayers’ by commanding the Holy Spirit to consume fellow children of God. These are all manifestations of the lust for power. Those who truly know God do not talk or attempt to command God or the Holy Spirit. They learn the art of listening and obedience. There is no need to talk or shout.

The non-directional prayer is the ideal. This is the prayer that is done out of humility. There is no need to ask anything from God since God in His Love and Mercy is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. For God knows even the thought of man before man thinks it. How much more the needs of man? This type of prayer is the one that says ‘God, Let thy will be done!’ Whether man likes it or not God’s will, will be done anyway irrespective of man’s desires. The individual who offers this type of prayer can express his love to God by saying ‘God my Father, I love you, what would you want me to do for you today’ Better still, the individual can sing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God as a love offering. This type of prayer (HU) is known as the most beautiful prayer because it is a love offering to God.

So what happens when people pray?

Let us begin by examining the composition of man. Man is composed of two distinct parts. The physical and the spiritual. The physical is very obvious; the human body. This is made from the earth and after death, returns to the earth and the cycle is complete. But what propels the Human body? It is the spiritual aspect known as Soul. It is this aspect that gives life to the Human body and makes it to move and have its being. Without Soul, the HU-man body is dead. This Soul is created out of the fabric of the Holy Spirit, created out of the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Therefore this Soul is Holy Spirit individualized. It is a unit of the Holy Spirit and as such possesses all the attributes of God. When it is within the Human body, it is limited by this physical equipment but when in the spiritual realm, Soul exhibits these same qualities of God known as omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. This Soul is therefore an atom of God that takes different forms but at present, the HU-man body. But man does not know this because of his limited ignorance. This is why every philosopher has always advised ‘man know thyself!’ This is because the secret of God is within man. Man only needs to know himself and by doing this, know God.

So what happens when you pray?

The individual is simply praying to himself, the spiritual aspect of himself known as Soul!. This is the greatest paradox that man needs to unravel. All the shouting and dancing in an attempt to get the attention of God is unnecessary for man dwells constantly in the presence of God. But unfortunately he is so blind that he has refused to see. This is then a case of the blind leading the blind. The happenings in Nigeria this period is to let Nigerians shine their eyes and know that God is within them and they do not need to seek it outside themselves. They only need someone who can help them make this God a reality in their lives. Anyone who says God has answered his prayer is living in self-delusion for it is the spiritual aspect of himself that has responded to his thought forms if they are clear and powerful enough to attract the attention of Soul. God in His infinite Love and Mercy hardly interfere in the affairs of man despite the fact that God rules everything through Its Voice, the Holy Spirit.



By Tuborki Dauyemie

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