

Fighting Insecurity In Rivers

Constitutionally speaking every government has the responsibility to safeguard lives and property. And a society without adequate security, law and order is bound to fail. In such a society its citizenry cannot even fight for their fundamental human rights.
Several years back, precisely when ex-governor Peter Odili was in power every community in the state has one kind of problem or the other, especially in the riverine communities. It is on record that, during Odili’s administration so many communities such as Ke, Okrika, Abua/Odual, Tombia, Bukuma, Okuruama and several others were utterly destroyed.
Shortly after Odili’s government which subsequently ushered in the Chibuike Amaechi’s administration, cultism became the order of the day. Several people were sent into their early graves. Thus, Rivers could be described as theatre of war and bloodbath. This violence and insecurity continue until Nyesom Wike took over the mantle of leadership in the state.
Doubtlessly, despite the governor’s efforts to get rid of cultism in the state, the situation has not improved. No part of Rivers State is now safe; the entire state is drifting to what could be described as Thomas Hobbian state of nature, where life was brutish and short.
Last week report has it that no fewer than twenty (20) persons lost their lives in a renewed cult activities in Ogba/Ndoni/Egbema Local Government Area of Rivers State.
As if that was not enough on Sunday evening at about 6.30pm the aged mother of the Rivers State Commissioner of Information, Madam Patience Tam-George was kidnapped by unknown gunmen at Okrika while returning from Church service.
We condemned the dangerous attack at Onelga and the abduction of Madam Patience Tam-George. With the health challenge we pray her abductors to free her unconditionally.
Let us also use this medium to call on the executive governor of Rivers State, Chief Nyesom Wike, the security agencies and the relevant authorities to come together and brainstorm to initiate better security ideas that will tackle the rate of insecurity in the state. ###

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