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WOMEN FOCUS: Daughters Are No Longer Safe With Their Fathers

Africans especially Nigerians detest bad and evil practices like raping, incest, stealing etc. In the good olden days, such abominable acts will lead the perpetrators to death.

No child can ever thinks his or her father can lose a fight or be weak. Children view their fathers as supermen. To every child the father is the most trustworthy and safest person they have and yet this trust and loyalty is betrayed day in and day out by many.

How does a man feel to have carnal knowledge with his biological daughter under a tender age?

Few weeks ago Port Harcourt High Court presided over by Justice Enebeli Adolphus sentenced a man to ten years in imprisonment for having a carnal knowledge with his 10-yrs-old daughter, the presiding judge said the convict took advantage of father-daughter relationship to lure the daughter into sexual abuse and exploited her.

Have you ever stopped to think what children feel when their trust and love has been betrayed? I wonder what they will say about fathers, if we were to carry out a survey of their feelings.

Before I proceed on this topic Women Focus would like to inform the fathers that our children are our flesh and blood, what comes out of our loins cannot by no means be compared or taken the place of wives or the duty of a wife.

Well, I want to give kudos to the mothers who have so stood their ground as mothers in not violating the trust their boy child has in them.

Scarcely, would you hear that a mother slept with her son in one hotel, bush or the other, that is to show that mothers are moulders.

I am not congratulating women here because I am a woman but you hardly see on pages of newspapers or the social media, a woman violated her son. Kudos to the mummies.

However, in this edition Women Focus wants to lament over the betrayal of girl child by their fathers.

What must having been going on, on the father’s mind before a father will conclude and see his daughters as a woman he can sleep with. I have been trying for this past months to really understand why a father will want to sleep with his daughter. It is as confusing as it is shameful.

A father is every child’s first line of defence, that why anybody threatens a child, you will hear this statement from the child “I will tell my Daddy, meaning Daddy is my defence and trust”.

There is no defence wall stronger than a father, and when a father turns predator, children are not only exposed to harm but infected.

Who will defend, provide food and security for and take of these children, if their own fathers have become their molesters. Humanity has never been in such danger and risk.

Raping of daughters is not only an affliction to humanity but a crime against it.

Fatherhood is an office of higher responsibility and not thuggery. But what could be the reason for fathers raping their daughters.

It is purely demonic and witchcraftcy. If this behaviour is not natural then it qualifies it to be a result of some spiritual confusion and hence being called demonic.

It is a doctrine of destruction of human life. Rape destroys the victim, but I believe, it is even more destructive when it has to do with the fathers.

When a child is being abused by a father, where did she run to for support, encouragement, justice and protection?

It is a psychological problem with spiritual roots where a father begins to see his daughters as a sexual object for his satisfaction. It is the worst psychological condition to fail to understand your roles as a father.

I fathers have boundaries and are responsible enough to know that, it is a taboo in the land of the living for fathers to relate sexually with their daughters.

Some fathers rape their daughters as remedy for poverty or some cleansing from whatever ailments. Mostly they would have been instructed by some false prophets or other spiritualists. It is done for ritual purposes for power, wealth or even sacrifice, if not, why will a father stoop so low and perpetrate such an evil act against his own blood and seed? It is too hard to understand.

There could be many more reasons why fathers will commit such an evil act but whatever reason, it may be, raping your daughter is the most cruel and evil thing a father can do to his daughter.

Fathers are to protect and defend their children and hide them from the evil schemes of the world.

Fathers are there to walk with their children from births to maturity. A father’s love never ceases and is unconditional.

The Bible says in the book of Proverb 13:22A “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children”. Yours should not to destroy the destiny of your child.

It is the mind of Women Focus that father should protect their girl child the best way, they can and see back to reap the benefit tomorrow.

At the same time, Women Focus wants to use this medium to say “KUDOS” to Daddies who still maintain their integrity as fathers. God bless you. ###




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