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PTE Thank God For Successful Week Long Programme

Members of Proud To Be Etche (PTE) had converged at the Cathedral Church of St. Mathias Anglican Church on Sunday March 31, 2013 to give thanks to God for a successful one week programme.

Speaking to newsmen shortly after the church service, the leader of the PTE Umeri Hanson Narazu described the event as a loaded one, which activities started with rally for two days that covered the two Etche Local Government Areas Cultural display award presentation and Economic submit with discussants and lecturers from different field of discipline including the Etche council Boss, Hon. Wokoma were highlights of the programme.

Hanson who said that PTE is a sacrificial group has it that there is no executive in the system but an administrative group and that they source their finances through individual donations.

He said that PTE has done great things in Etche through sensitization and stressed that they can go further if fraudulence activities will not block their ways adding that they have been able to demand their right from their political leaders.

According to Mr. Hanson, Etche citizens were given study scholarships both at home and abroad by spirited individuals and government officials through PTE efforts.

Aims of PTE he said will be achieved as time goes on through demand of personal right from whoever is in-charge, saying that without depending on another person Etche citizens will be able to work out their plans.

He urged Etche people to buy queue into the struggle that as they are out to work Etche will be positioned among group of nations, adding that Proud To Be Etche (PTE) has tentacle all over the world. ###

Mene Gbarabe

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