
Has Law Been Abolished?

Many changes and additions contrary to the holy scriptural teachings were made by the Roman church and all were in tune with the prophecies of old. But praises be to Yahweh for sending Prophet Yahmarabhi to this age to boldly correct all errors that was planted into the scriptures by the truth twisters, and he has accomplished that by writing out the Holy Originally inspired scriptures (HOIS). The greatest attack the church carried against Yahweh is to change his laws and even teach openly that mortals are no more under the law, that the days of the laws are over. But can that be true?

Then what is the measurement to sin, which they preach daily? Which standard will we use to differentiate the repented and the un-repented ones? I mean if there is no law, what do we do to be repented people? Does righteousness consist of doing whatever the church pronounces? What is the right standard for discipline and orderliness? Remember in the absence of law, there will be no righteous or unrighteous because law identifies both of them. And in the absence of transgression there will be no sin.

The church claims that they are rather under the grace of Yahweh. Then what is grace? Is grace a replacement of law? is grace and law interchangeable? While law is a set regulation guiding people, grace is an unmerited favour granted to a lawbreaker or sinner, that means, without sin there will be no grace. Grace is necessary simply because there is sin and sin couldn’t have existed without the transgression of the law. So do you now understand that it is a blunder for someone to say that he is not under the law? So claiming that we are not under the laws of Yahweh doesn’t exempt us from the potency of the laws of Yahweh because ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

For instance, if a man claims that he is not under the law of his country, does that exempt him from the Law?

Then if he violates any part of the law of the country, will he not be apprehended and tried according to the law? Will he be left to go freely because he asserts that he is not under the law? My beloved, if any one violates the law, he will be condemned or sentenced according to the same law. Then after conviction, that is when grace can come in, if he knows or approaches the final executor of the law like the Governor, chief Justice or President who has the authority to extend prerogative or grace by either reducing the sentence or outright forgiveness. Does that momentary forgiveness annul the existence of the law of the land? The answer is capital no because if the same person goes ahead to commit the same offence, he will be re-arraigned before the law court and due sentence will be handed to him,, without minding the grace formally granted to him.

Grace is not a license for lawlessness, we will not for the fact that Yahweh’s grace abounds we reject the laws of Yahweh. But how do we think that Yahweh can rule without law? Are there no laws even in our families or communities? Therefore setting aside of Yahweh’s laws is the handwork of enemies of Yahweh whom we have been warned to resist by Yahoshea and his disciples. Laws shapes moral meaning without law there will be no moral standard.

If the pastors and bishops claim that they are not under the law, why do they preach against fornication, adultery, idolatry, false witness, murder, covetousness and others? Are those conditions not shaped by divine laws? Brother, no law, no moral and there will be no grace. Many preaches against law because according to them the ten commandments are Hebrewic laws. But are they correct on the assertion? Who owns the laws? Is it the Hebrews or Yahweh? Is it Mosaic law or Yahweh’s laws, are there two set of people before Yahweh? To one group he gives laws to the other group he exonerated them from the law. My brother or sister, Yahweh gave the law to Moses at Mount Sinia and the law is a spiritual but not from Moses to the Hebrews alone. Although Moses was the leader of his people but he did not make law of his own but he received it from Yahweh who called him to lead his people. Therefore it is the same laws to the Hebrews as well as the gentiles. If we are not under the law, how do we account for legality, legitimacy, rights, dues, obligations and indictments? And are we supposed to preach on change or repentance when there is no law? Change from which point of view to where? Because change is aimed at abandoning of the old to the new way or embracing of the opposite. Where there is no law, how do we become obedient or disobedient fellows?

Then what did the scripture say about laws? To any law there is a lawgiver, equally there are law keepers and lawbreakers. The law keepers are righteous ones while the rude ones who live outside the boundaries of laws are termed as unrighteous mortals or sinners. It is true because where there is no law there will be no violation. The holy book of says “whosever committed sin transgressed the law, for the sin is the transgression of law”.

Yahoshea Meshiyach himself operated under the law, “For I have not spoken of myself but the father who sent me, he gave me a commandment. What I should say and what I should speak”.

Again Yahoshea Meshiyach directed that “Not all that call me master shall enter the kingdom of Yahweh but those that do the will of my father who is in heaven”. Again the same holy “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy”.

Yahweh is the king and he is the law giver and he gives law through his word in the Holy scriptures. The word of Yahweh is the final authority in matters of spiritual laws. The great problem of mankind is by believing that the Assembly or the Church has the authority to make laws for members to follow.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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