
Between Religious Bondage And Spiritual Freedom

Since the beginning of time, Man had always felt separated from his Creator. He could not fathom why he would be trapped in the HU-man body. After all, in eons of lifetime ago he used to bathe in the grand splendour of his fathers abode of infinite love. So a dim memory of this far past in his subconscious would persistently haunt him then and in order to try and unravel the reason for his condition in the physical universes, man has continuously searched for that connection with his spiritual world that he has always been used to.
But man could not realise that it was for his spiritual benefit for him to be sent down here in the lower universes. For Soul, a spark of divine love to realise itself and his divine qualities, a special training program was put in place for his spiritual education. Through his experiences in life going through sadness and joy, pain and pleasure, etc, man would be able to have a taste of all the extremes of life.
But Soul clothed in the HU-man form has forgotten whom he actually is and therefore would accept self-imposed authority of any mystical or religious form even if such forms were unverifiable.
In the beginning and as always, God our Supreme Creator loved all his creations equally but all God’s creatures do not love or understand God equally. This level of understanding corresponds to our different levels of awareness of God. These levels of awareness can also be referred to as our different levels of consciousness of that essence of God known as the Holy Spirit, the voice of God. These different levels in the understanding of God our Creator has led man into different forms of worship and different religions we have in the world today. Notable among these are, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, Judaism, Eckankar, Sikhism pagan worship and so many others being practiced in different areas of the world. All these religions represent different ways in which individuals have tried to secure the attention of God based on their own level of understanding God. All of them are good enough for the adherents of such religions provided they are happy. Because the search of God is actually the search for happiness.
All these religions however numerous they may be have one objective in mind, to have direct contact with God and eventually secure a place back in heaven.
But it is pertinent to note that most religions are founded after the proponents of such religions have had a profound experience about God. In order words, most religions are based on the spiritual experiences of one or more individuals based on their own personal effort to determine their relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. These spiritual experiences are later collated and put together for others to read in Holy Books of those religions. People with levels of consciousness that correspond to the understanding of such experiences then become the followers of such religions. This is why it is necessary for us to know that in whatever religion a man finds himself is at that moment suitable for that individual because that religion corresponds to the individual’s level of understanding God. If the individual is happy with whatever religion he is practicing, then the individual should continue. But if the religion of the individual cannot answer the basic questions of life, then his experiences in life would force the individual to seek other religions that would answer his questions. This is in line with the dynamic nature of our understanding God and life. For man is continuously unfolding in his attempt at understanding God Almighty which is actually understanding the spiritual aspect of ourselves known as Soul. It is against spiritual law to try and convert any individual into any religion simply because we think that our religion is better. In order words, man can have a direct experience with God and the Holy Spirit irrespective of his religious beliefs. It is the result of such spiritual experiences that become religious beliefs.
The question is ‘when is the man of today going to have his own experiences with God instead of quoting from the spiritual experiences of other people documented in Holy Books?’
As it was said by a Holy Man ‘Man is a king clothed in rags but begging for a crust of bread’ How can man indeed know that he is ‘king’?
‘Man know thyself!’ All philosophers of old had always advised man thus. But does man care? Man the special creature of God prefers to wallow in misery and ignorance and console himself that it is the will of God for man to suffer. This is an exercise in self-deceit and self-consolation. For God loves all his creatures equally and has given all things to all for their spiritual unfoldment.
Man essentially is Soul made from the fabric of God Itself, but as soon as he takes up the Hu-man body, he forgets whom he is. It is therefore his responsibility to find out for himself, for religion has failed to show him the way to self-liberation from the vicissitudes of reincarnation and the spiritual laws of life.
Soul exists because of Gods love. It is this infinite love of God that sustains all life. It is the discovery of this love of God that has made man to come down to earth to realize its divine nature. In order words the earth is a training ground meant for Soul to experience life and be more useful in the heavens of God after training.
But sometimes Soul gets carried away and forgets that he is in training. It can be likened to an individual watching a movie and gets carried away with the scenes from the movie and forgets that it was acted and therefore an illusion.
So also Soul in Hu-man form forgets his mission in life and gets carried away with the enjoyments and merriment of life. He forgets that the body he wears is only temporary and through the process of death he is continually reminded to wake up from his religious slumber and resume his mission. But the sweet music of religion holds Soul down and the social consciousness continues to whisper to him the creed of prosperity gods that continues to bind him on the wheel of life and death commonly referred to as reincarnation. Even when man is surrounded with enough evidences on reincarnation, he continues to live life just for once! Using the material successes in life as a gauge for his being close to God. What a fallacy!
Through the process of Karma, man goes through pain and pleasure, sadness and joy, darkness and light, etc, not realising that they are but the two sides of the same coin. Through the process of reincarnation man comes back to reap whatever he sowed in the former life. He comes to collect from those that owe him and comes to pay those that he owes too and life continues life after life until he finds answers to questions like these;
‘Who am I and where do I come from?’
‘How come I have never been to this place or town before but every thing seems so familiar?’ ‘How come I sleep for two hours and I dream of events of three days?’ ‘How come I like this fellow as if I have known him for years but I am sure I have never met him before now?’ ‘How come some are born with perfect bodies while others are born crippled?’ ‘How come babies are born and have to die after a day or two, what manner of life?’ ‘If people have to go to heaven when they die, which body are they going to use when the physical body rots away?’ ‘Why do people, even men of God, rejoice after escaping near death situations when they are sure of going to heaven? ‘Would heaven not have been better for them?’ ‘Why do men keep referring to events of God talking to others about three thousand years ago? Does it mean that God has stopped talking to man of today?’
When the individual starts asking these pertinent questions and many more others, then the individual becomes the seeker of truth. He no longer glosses over these questions like many others who prefer to remain in bliss. But is ignorance blissful?
The seeker of truth is that individual who having woken up from religious slumber, decides to know himself better and he goes about this with an open mind waiting to take the next step to understanding God better. The individual need not go any further for the way to the temple of truth that leads to spiritual freedom resides within him.
The individual who desires truth should strive to understand three things for himself for he should realise that people do not go enmass to God because of their religion. Every one is judged based on individual thoughts, words, feelings and actions while on earth.
The individual should move from that level of belief to knowing that he is Soul created in the image and likeness of God and therefore like God, he can never die. The physical aspect, the HU-man body is not what is created in Gods image, but the spiritual aspect that can only be seen when the physical eyes are closed as in dreams. Soul is made of the light of God. It is usually seen as a shinning mass of tiny dots of light that can blind the ordinary eyes. This is the real individual that is created in the image and likeness of God and the individual would have no rest until he discovers himself. For this is the fabric of God Itself.
Secondly the individual should know that the road to the heavens of God is within himself, therefore if he is interested in accessing that heaven, he should look for a religion that would give him a step-by-step approach to visit these heavens of God. The only passport he needs at the door is a true love and desire for God. If anybody tells the individual that he has to die before going to the heavens of God, this is enough evidence that such individual surely does not know the way to the heavens of God. For after death how would the individual confirm if it were true. This is the ready gimmick used by those who are interested in what is in the individual’s pocket. The visit to the heavens of God would confirm the illusions of the world in which we live in. The code word is the HU, the ancient and sacred name of God.
Thirdly, the individual should realise that the world we live in is actually controlled by the spiritual laws of the Holy Spirit and it is our responsibility to discover and know these laws so that we can operate in harmony with these laws of God. These laws of God are immutable and are not applied based on any religion. It is the same for all whether kings, prophets or slaves. An example is the law of Karma, for man would continuously be controlled by his past actions in past lives. It is the living in harmony with these laws that qualify us to meet with the Spiritual Travellers, special agents of God, whose responsibility it is to give assistance to all who ask for it. The Spiritual Travellers do not belong to any religion for they are living with us both physically and spiritually to assist those individuals who wish to know more about God. They are sometimes referred to as ‘Guarding Angels’. They are more than angels anyway but one can meet them upon request only. This meeting usually takes place spiritually.
Once the individual has met with a Spiritual Traveller based on the desire to know God, the individual is then taught on how to be liberated from the wheel of life, death and afterlife, the wheel of reincarnation, which goes on for millions of years of ‘merriment’ or spiritual education. It is the individual’s responsibility to take actions to liberate himself or he can choose to continuously remain as a pawn on the spiritual chessboard of life.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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