
Mankind Search For Yahosheanism

It was at the Persian captivity that they began to identify the thought of evil as “Persenified satan” and thought of good as “Personifying Yahweh”.

Yahoshea disagreed with the doctrine of “dual force” that was held by the Yahudean sects of his days. He emphatically taught that “thou must worship Yahweh alone, only him shall thou serve”. His disciples also taught that “from Yahweh all things come, and to him all things will return” meaning that there is no place for opposite force in the tradition of Yahoshianism.

Based on this concept, Yahosheans of Hebrew tradition did not include the existence of satan and demons as part of their religious belief. The non belief of existence of satan included disbelief of the “Amaggeddon” “judgment Day”, “Rapture”, “Hellfire” and all of such related thoughts. This was one of the basic disagreement between Yahudaism and Yahosheanism for Yahosheans did not acknowledge the existence of satan as Yahudean.

Again, Yahoshea Meshiyach did not accept the strict Yahudean Sabbath rest that were burdensome upon adherents. Frankly, Yahoshea observed Sabbath rest and kept to its necessary worship and rituals as observable at synagogues but rejected the “loaded acts upon the law of Sabbath”.

To Yahudeans, there was no reason for violation of the law of Sabbath and even when one looses a member of his household on the Sabbath period, such person is expected not to touch or embalm the body until the end of Sabbath rest. Even under strict hungry, no adherent is allowed to violate the Sabbath by observing on secular duty to enable him or her fend for his feeding.

No Yahudean is expected to spark fire or cook during the Sabbath period. No medical attention can be given to a patient during Sabbath period etc. These were termed as the added laws by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his followers and they did not only rejected them but taught against them to the populace.

Another aspect of doctrinal difference between both groups was based on Yahudean doctrine of the “distinctions between Hebrews and Gentiles”. Yahudaism was strictly meant for Hebrew descents or converts that must follow all the required laws. The Christian tradition termed it as the “Judaism” or “Jewish Proselytes”.

Yahosheanism hold that the glad news is for all mankind, therefore it held the universe as its constituency. Yahoshea directed his followers, “to go into the whole world and preach the good news, and any who accept will be baptized” Yahudaism was practically restricted to the citizens of Yahuda and it is not meant to be exposed to the entire world.

Another difference is based on the doctrine of the “clean and unclean animals” of the Yahudean religious customs. This was not part of Yahoshean traditions as they were taught to view every creature as “clean and good “as Yahweh made and pronounced during their creations.

Another difference was based on political approach of both movement. Yahudeans were politically motivated while Yahosheans were not part of the earthly rulership. Yahoshea directed his followers to “be in the world but not of the world” and such was understood as abstinence to partaking on political activities by Yahosheans. Yahoshean’s view on politics was in agreement with the earliest Hebrew nation before they sought for kings from Yahweh in manner of its neighbouring nations. Yahweh wanted the nation to be ruled by prophets, priests, and judges based on the covenant, revelations and the scriptures from Yahweh.

Yahudeans were sword bears, they prosecute defaulters to divine laws and melt capital punishments, they persecute wars and kill enemies. While Yahosheans were staff bearers, non-violent, non-aggressive, non-participation on wars, non-enforcers of capital punishment upon defaulters of the law etc. They approach all attitudes in a spiritual manner and allow each action to be met with its naturally ordained reaction.

Another strong difference was the inclusion of the “sacrificial lamb” during Passover festival of the Yahudeans. The Yahosheans discontinued the sacrifice of Lamb during “Passover Night” but held that Yahoshea Meshiyach was the “Passover Lamb” of their tradition.

Yahosheanism do not accept such doctrines as the “sin offerings” and “guilt offerings” that were held by the Yahudean religious tradition.

To Yahosheans, each sin is an act of transgression of the law and forgiveness of sin is done through “Confessions by the law breaker” but not to appease Yahweh through “Sin offerings” or “guilt offerings” of Yahudaism.

Despite doctrinal differences, both movements were lurked in the contest of true worshippers of Yahweh. There were equally political developments that severed the relationship of both bodies. Such includes the “Council of Yerusalem”, the “Destruction of Second Temple by 70Ad, “the Jewish Tax” in 70 Ad, the “Council of Jamnia” in 90 Ad and the “Bar Kokhba revolt” of 132 – 135Ad.

These serial activities caused to gradual separation of Yahosheanism to Yahudaism of Hebrew land. It equally caused to elimination of the Hebrew Yahosheanism giving way for Pauline or Gentile Yahosheanism to continue its operation that latterly turned into Christianity.



This refers to the historic study of the end of times or events. In Yaosheanism, it refers to the study of destiny of mankind as been revealed by the Holy Scriptures that covers of both the eras of “Old Covenants”, “New Covenant” and “Comforter’s Covenant”.

The Yahoshean eschatology directs at major events as the coming of Yahoshea, which carried the following events – the destruction of the city of Yerusalem, the destruction of the temple, the Great tribulation the coming of the comforter and the transference of holy city to another land.

Others include the second coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach and the institution of the Comforter’s Earthly Kingdom (CEK). Yahoshean eschatology views prophesies as either been fulfilled in the past, presence or to be in the future. It also includes prophesies that were earlier fulfilled that may serve as forerunner of later events which may bring to more complete fulfillment of the same prophecy.


Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

(+234) 7066195260



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