

Koi! Ko! Ko! Ko!
Who gently harasses my happy door
Please come in my spirit today will not be poor
The clock ran round, the year no more sore
My time has come, its party time, some minutes to four

Still voice, tearing the tensed room to shreds
Tired many praying, unsure eyes all red
Fingers strangling poor sheets on the bed
Voices of midwives, distant, sweet words feed
Madam push, push, push. This child must surely

Button running up and down the street
Hanging dirty school bags, that detergent will beat
Innocent voices calling, innocent voices to come eat
Sad eyes watching, so none will be called Great
And avoid tiny blows and still cries to compound heat

Listen to my laughter, my eyes sparkle
You are invited, come with friends, all good people
Hold the sword, cut cake, sweet chuckle, great giggles
Next year will be better, the cake more beautiful
There will be enough happiness for all in the neighbourhood

Many innocent, toil free years
Unlike today where hardship and fear
Holds the jugular of the derailed today, please ban
No time for the lazy. Sing, fill the atmosphere
With happy sings and pour joy into my ears

West Biokpo Joshua

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