
Frequently Asked Questions On God (2)

This week we continue with questions on God.
All of us in whatever form we are have access to God directly through Its voice known as the Holy Spirit. From this Holy Spirit, all things in existence were created, nourished, and will continue to be sustained
But some of us have chosen not to contact God directly and as such have been subjected to pseudo ‘men of god’ who with our permission, has led us down a blind alley. But it behoves on us to remedy the situation in our favor by learning how to contact God directly and get answers to our questions.
However, once contact has been established with God, the individual would not want to ask any questions anymore….
Why would God create heaven and hell? Heaven for the ‘good’ and hell for the ‘wicked’?, When people die where do they go to?
God our creator did not create heaven and hell for the purpose of punishment. The religions on earth today devise various means of keeping their membership. It is another way of scaring them away from leaving the church. Since non of the so called ‘men of God, have been to heaven and back they are not an authority on the heavens of God.
But in the universes of God, you have the pure heavens of God, the psychic heavens and then our physical environment otherwise known as the material universe. All these exist side by side and are only differentiated by their vibratory level.
This is one of the reasons why we cannot access heaven with our material body.
God created all these worlds or planes for the purpose of spiritual study and unfoldment for soul. The psychic and material universes provide soul with an opportunity to unfold spiritually and then return to the pure spiritual worlds (pure heavens) to serve as a co-worker with God in the universes of God. The lower worlds both psychic and the material universes including our mother earth, are all training centers for Soul to learn how to give and receive the divine love of God. Once the individual soul learns how to appropriate this divine love of God, then he graduates to become a co-worker with God and can take up appointment in any of the universes of God.
Places that we refer to as ‘hell’ are actually recreational centers where individual who have gone through trauma of living are rested until they are sent back to earth to ‘come and reap’ what they have sown. They are not sent to hell where they ‘burn forever and ever’ as claimed by some religions. However there exist the pure worlds of God where there are neither forms nor motion as we have in the lower worlds. Only those who have visited these heavens can understand their splendor. For they are beyond words.
Human who die go straight to a place in the first heaven where they are judged and their activities on earth when they were alive is reviewed and an appropriate place of rest is chosen for them until they are ‘strong enough’ to reincarnate at an agreed place under the laws of Karma and Reincarnation.
Individual continue to go and come until they themselves realize the purpose for which they have been sent down to earth.
But it is pertinent to note that heaven and hell are both states of consciousness.
Why did God create the ‘devil’ to punish and deceive man?
God did not create the devil to punish man or to compete with God Almighty. God cannot create anything and such will have the capacity to compete with God. God Almighty whose name is HU is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient and no being anywhere in all the universes and all existence can compete with God. Any religion that places ‘satan’ side by side with God Almighty needs to have its doctrine re-examined.
However it is pertinent to note that the being referred to as ‘devil’ or ‘satan’ is also a minor god that works for the spiritual hierarchy within the universes of God..
Yes, if he doesn’t work for God why would he be asked to tempt all known children of God?
Why would God ask him to tempt all known individuals who have attempted to call themselves ‘son of God’. For any individual who desires to be called the ultimate child or son of God, that individual will always, not once, be tested by this being commonly called ‘devil’.
But we need to understand this being and its functions.
This being is the god that gives every soul in form a body that we use as school uniform while studying on earth as we are today. When we die, this is why the body goes back to the soil while soul moves to another level of existence. This is why we say nobody dies, we only change the uniform or body that we wear just as children back home from school change their uniform.
This god is the one that provides all the material requests we make consciously or unconsciously, knowing fully well that soul has the capacity to manifest whatever it needs to survive while at school on earth. While there is nothing wrong with praying to God for material things, it is out of greed that man will continuously beseech God for material things when he has the capacity to bring them into reality.
This is why those who have realized themselves as true children of God do not request anything from God rather they assist in the appropriation of this love of God that can be transformed into material energy. This is because whatever belongs to God belongs to them also.
So in simple terms, the job of this being known as ‘devil’ is to prevent all impure souls from returning back into the pure heavens of God!
So this being employs all means and wiles to achieve its objectives. It is left to us to find a way to reach God Almighty while going through the tests put on our path by this entity.
But God also put in place an opportunity for soul to find its way back home to God. This way is the opportunity provided by the Spiritual Coach, the Living Godman whose responsibility it is to take all ready souls back home to God. Those who sincerely desire to find God, know God and know the heavens of God can contact the Living Godman whom God has appointed to lead all souls that are willing and ready, back home into the heavens of God.
How can man make contact with God? Is it possible?
It is possible to contact God. Yes it is.
But to make contact directly with God, the individual must be ready to practice and follow instructions that have worked for thousands who are enjoying a one to one relationship with God today.
Yes it is possible to contact God directly without any intermediaries. But some of us have chosen to contact God through ‘sons’, saviours and in various ways. This is their choice and they have a right to that. But for the individual who wishes to contact God directly, such an individual should follow the following simple steps;
First the individual must have faith that it is possible to contact God directly. The individual must be able to accept this possibility without internal conflict. This will pave the way for the realization of the objective.
Secondly, the individual must know that God is formless and cannot be contacted by physical equipment. But God can be contacted through Its voice, the Holy Spirit that manifest as Light and Sound. If we research all Holy Books, we will find that all those who have made contact with God have done so through the agency of the Light and Sound. But no Holy Book has a record of what an individual can do to make this contact with God.
Therefore to make contact with God, God must be called by that name God has given Itself. The name God was given to the Almighty by man. This is not necessarily the name of God. All the different names we give to God such as Abasi, Olorun, Chineke, Chukwu are all names we or our ancestors gave to God based on their own understanding of God Almighty.
The name God has given to Itself by Itself for Itself is HU.
This is the original name of God Almighty. This HU is in every language for no language can help not being in IT. It is pronounced as Huuueeeee!, in a drawn out breath. If this is done for about five to twenty minutes before bedtime, the individual can make direct contact with God through the Holy Spirit. Attention must be placed at the spot in between the eyebrows (the spiritual eye) with the physical eyes shut to avoid distraction. Then the individual can wait for a feedback after singing the HU for a while. This period is known as contemplation for it provides us with an opportunity to get a response from God directly without going through anybody or thing!.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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